
GEM-Selektor Development Status
- MILESTONE: Release of the Test Suite for GEM-Selektor v.3.5 package
- Development of TKinMet class library for mineral-fluid reaction
kinetics and time-dependent trace element uptake.
Development of TSorpMod extension of TSolMod class library for
surface complexation and ion exchange models.
Development of more phase models of mixing for the TSolMod class
library, incl. sublattice solid solutions.
- Development of the GEM2MT module for testing robustness of chemical
system definition in simplified 1D or box-flux coupled mass
transport-chemistry modeling (collaborators S.Dmitrieva, F.Enzmann,
- Release of GEM-Selektor v 3.4.2 and GEMS3K v 3.4.2 with the ClaySor
sorption model added and many bugfixes.
Release of GEM-Selektor v 3.3.3 and GEMS3K v 3.3 with the extended
Phase module and part of TKinMet functionality.
GEM-Selektor v.3.2.3 release candidate rev.2554.952 open for
download. Bugfix release based on Qt 5.2.1.
GEM-Selektor v.3.2.2 release candidate rev.2530.930 open for
download. Bugfix release based on Qt 5.2.0.
- GEM-Selektor v.3.2.1 release candidate rev.2482.890 open for download.
Contains a new Phase Information wizard and updated test projects.
- GEM-Selektor v.3.2 release candidate rev.2370.830 open for download.
Contains updated default TDB and improved Graphics Dialog.
- Implementation of improved GraphicsDialog based in part on the work of
the Qwt project (http://qwt.sf.net).
- MILESTONE: Release of the updated default thermodynamic database (TDB)
with the PSI/Nagra 12/07 database.
- GEM-Selektor v.3.1 release candidate rev.2282.780 and the standalone
GEMS3K code (rev.790) open for download from this web site.
- Post-SKIN-Workshop GEM-Selektor v3 Training Event (Trace element
uptake in aqueous - solid solution systems), PSI OFLA/402, 23.Nov.2012
- MILESTONE: the standalone GEMS3K code (rev.760) released open-source
for archive download from this web site.
- MILESTONE: the GEM-Selektor v.3.1 package r.2230.760 released for
download from this web site (Windows 32bit, linux 32 and 64 bit, Mac OS
X 64 bit).
- GEM-Selektor v.2.2.0-PSI package released in Win32, Linux32 and
Linux64 versions (still with incomplete documentation).
- ACTINET short course
on aqueous - solid solution (AqSS) systems with GEMS-PSI tutorial (PSI,
November 2005)
- GEM-Selektor v.2.0.0-PSI package released in Win32,
Linux32 and Mac OS X versions.
- Windows32 installer for GEM-Selektor v.2-PSI is available since
release candidate 4 (rc4).
- Screenshot online tutorial extended to partitioning equilibria
involving solid solutions and surface complexation (done).
- Preparation of "complementary" GEM-Selektor default chemical
thermodynamic database - imported SLOP98.DAT (done).
Preparation of the GEM-Selektor v.2.0.0-PSI release candidate on web
site of LES PSI (done).
Construction of this web home page for the distribution of
GEM-Selektor version 2-PSI geochemical modelling package (done).
Pilot study on geochemical modelling of aquatic systems under
uncertainty of input parameters using GEM IPM (collaborators:
K.V.Chudnenko, M.V.Artimenko, I.K.Karpov; Institute of Geochemistry,
Irkutsk, Russia); Done; report in preparation.
Adding the "stepwise" (debugging) mode for calculations of equilibria
and process simulators (S. Dmitrieva; done).
Format script interpreter in GEMS code (done in February-April 2002)
and library of print- and export format scripts and template math
scripts in default database (version 0 prepared in August 2002).
Development of a high-precision IPM-2 non-linear minimization module
of GEMS-PSI v2.x code (a collaborative project with I.K.Karpov and
K.V.Chudnenko, Institute of Geochemistry, Irkutsk, Russia): PSI
TM-44-02-06 (with appendix).
Improvement of GEMS version 2 GUI (graphical user interface),
graphical presentation modules, and database file management tools to
increase the efficiency of modelling work: done in spring - summer
Preparation of the GEMS-PSI version of Nagra-PSI Chemical
Thermodynamic Data Base 01/01: PSI
TM 44-03-04 (1 MB), replaces TM-44-02-09.
Short Course "Numerical Techniques in Geochemical Thermodynamics" (D.
Kulik and M.Kersten), held on 24 - 28 September 2001 at
the Geosciences Institute, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz,
Germany (17 participants).
Last updated: 24. 07. 2018
Copyright (c) 2003-2018 GEMS
Development Team.