GEMSFITS Development
G. Dan Miron
(IGP, ETH Zurich): Main developer since October 2012, supported
by the ETHIIRA PhD project on fit standard-state thermodynamic
properties of aqueous species against experimental solubility data
at hydrothermal conditions.
Dmitrii A. Kulik (Paul Scherrer Institut): architect of GEMSFITS code collection; maintains
coupling between gemsfit2 and GEMS3K kernel equilibrium speciation solver;
extensions to fit standard-state properties of solid solution end
members and reciprocal energies against experimental data (SNF Sinergia
C-A-S-H project).
Svitlana V. Dmytrieva
(Ciklum Interactive Solutions, formerly Institute of Environmental Geochemistry, Kyiv, Ukraine): design and
implementation of the gfshell2 GUI shell code, data import-export
functionality, spreadsheet and graphical visualization.
of Geology, University of Helsinki, Finland; formerly IGP, ETH
Zurich): maintains coupling
between gemsfit2 and TSolMod library of models of mixing in
phases-solutions, supervises the ETHIIRA PhD project.
Georg Kosakowski
(Paul Scherrer Institut): Supervises selection and interaction of
statistical methods and parameter fitting algorithms.
The early prototype - the GEMSFIT code - has
been developed since 2010 until mid-2012 by:
Ferdinand F. Hingerl (joint position at LES PSI and IGP ETHZ
in association with the CCES GEOTHERM
project; since August 2012 at ERE, Stanford
University, USA).
Barbara Lothenbach (Empa,
Duebendorf, Switzerland): optimization of thermodynamic properties of
end members and interaction parameters for the novel solud solution
models of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) phases with aluminum and
alkali, based on original solubility and co-precipitation data
(E.L'Hopital, Empa) supported by SNF Sinergia C-A-S-H project; supervision of Nanocem internal project.
GEMSFITS Development
Team acknowledges present support that comes from various sources,
among others:
project of the Competence Center Environment and Sustainability of
the ETH Domain (CCES) (2008-2012);
ETHIIRA project
on internally-consistent
thermodynamic data for fluid-rock equilibria: Development and
Sinergia project "Stable phase
composition in novel cementitious systems: C(-A)-S-H";
Nanocem.org internal project "Thermodynamic dataset for C-A-S-H aqueous - solid solution systems".
updated: 14.04.2015
Copyright (c)
2010-2015 GEMS Development Team