GEMS Links to Third-Party Databases
Many modelling applications of GEMS result in a published extension of
thermodynamic database that may be of great value for other people. The
related modelling projects can be used as tests or good tutorial examples
for the specific field of research.
Our policy is that an owner (contributor) of the respective application
that required intensive use of GEM-Selektor package can provide the
GEMS-compatible files on her/his own web page for download. It is assumed
that the owner is responsible for the content and maintains the
contributed files independently of us. If this is the case, we provide all
necessary links here on this web page.
Alternatively, the owner who has no web page may wish to provide the
contributed files with associated comments and instructions for download
through this page from GEMS web site. In this case, we are not responsible
for the correctness and content of modelling project or thermodynamic
database files.
AqTDB16 - internally consistent thermodynamic database for fluid rock
System: Na-K-Al-Si-O-H-Cl
AqTDB16 files in GEMS format can be downloaded
The detailed description related to the selection of experimental data
and database generation can be found in: Miron G.D., Wagner T., Kulik
A.D., Heinrich C.A. (2016) Internally
consistent thermodynamic data for aqueous species in the system
Na-K-Al-Si-O-H-Cl. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 187: 41-78. DOI:
The thermodynamic database was generated by simultaneous global
optimization of Gibbs energies of aqueous species against a critically
selected large collection of solubility experiments. The thermodynamic
properties of the solubility-controlling minerals were adopted from the
internally consistent data-set of Holland and Powell (2002; Thermocalc
dataset ds55).
The database uses the thermodynamic framework of the revised
Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) (Tanger and Helgeson, 1988) equation of
state and the Extended Debye-Hückel (Helgeson et al. 1981) activity
coefficient model. The database is applicable at temperatures from 25 to
pressures from 1 bar to 5 kbar, and salt concentrations up to 5
use the AqTDB16 data base with the GEM-Selektor package, please,
download it (as a .zip file) to your hard disk and perform the
following steps:
1. Unzip the downloaded zip file (contains a directory named
"TDB_Miron_etal_2016/") into a temporary directory, e.g. as
2. Find where you have GEMS installed (on Windows, usually under
C:\Selektor\Gems3-app\Resources\) the DB.default/ directory.
3. Copy all files from Tempfiles/TDB_Miron_etal_2016/ into the
/Resources/DB.default/ folder.
4. Start GEM-Selektor and create a new modelling project. In the
project configuration wizzard select only Aqueous electrolyte and
Crystalline solids. Check that "supcrt", "psi-hagra" and other
entries except "AqTDB16" in "3rdparty" are turned off. Click
"Next>" when ready.
5. Select Independent Components to define the system, and
proceed as usual.
CEMDATA18 - thermodynamic data for hydrated solids in Portland cement
Contributed and supported by Cement
Group at EMPA, Switzerland. CEMDATA database files in GEMS binary
format can be downloaded here.
Details are available in a paper:
Lothenbach B., Kulik D.A., Matschei T., Balonis M., Baquerizo L., Dilnesa
B.Z., Miron G.D., Myers R. (2019): Cemdata18: A chemical thermodynamic
database for hydrated Portland cements and alkali-activated materials.
Cement and Concrete Research 115, 472-506. doi.
The composition of hydrated cementitious systems can be quite complex.
Thermodynamic modelling of such multicomponent-multiphase systems can
promote our understanding of the impact of different factors such as
composition, hydration, leaching, or temperature. For the purpose of such
modelling, the thermodynamic data for a number of solids present in
Portland cement systems have been compiled from literature and critically
reviewed. Wherever necessary, additional solubility data have been
measured in a range of temperatures between 0 and 100 °C.
The resulting CEMDATA data base covers hydrates commonly encountered in
Portland cement systems in the temperature range 0-100 °C, including
C-S-H, hydrogarnets, AFm and AFt phases and their solid solutions. This
dataset is consistent with the auxiliary thermodynamic data for aqueous
species, gases, and common minerals such as portlandite or gypsum,
provided in the GEMS default kernel database (GEMS version of Nagra-PSI
01/01 data base). Hence, the CEMDATA files comprise a specific extension
to the GEMS kernel data base.
CEMDATA contains thermodynamic data for solids found in Portland cement
systems, evaluated as described in publications.
In order to model other systems, e.g. blended cements, cement degradation
in contact with clay, or sorption of metals in cement matrix, the CEMDATA
must be critically evaluated and extended with additional pure solids
and/or solid solutions.
More details, literature and downloads are provided in the contributors
web page www.empa.ch/cemdata.
In future, some test modeling projects may also be provided there.
To use the CEMDATA data base in GEM-Selektor package, please, download it
(as a .zip file) to your hard disk and perform the following steps:
1. Unzip the downloaded zip file (contains a directory named "DB.default/")
into a temporary directory, e.g. as Tempfiles/DB.default/
2. Find where you have GEMS installed (on Windows, usually under C:\GEMS350\Gems3-app\Resources\)
the DB.default/ directory.
3. Copy all files from Tempfiles/DB.default/
into the /Resources/DB.default/
4. Start GEMS and create a new project. In the "Basis configuration of a
new Modelling Project" dialog, turn on "support", "psi-nagra" and
"3rdparty" entries (check that "supcrt" and other entries except "cemdata"
in "3rdparty" are turned off). This will link the CEMDATA database files
as a third-party extension to the kernel PSI-Nagra database. Do not turn
on "Skip solid solutions" in the lower-left corner. Click "Next>" when
5. Select Independent Components to define the system, and proceed
as usual.
MINES thermodynamic database
Contributed and supported by Prof.
Alexander Gysi at at the Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,
New Mexico Tech, USA.
MINES TDB files in various versions in GEMS format can be downloaded
MINES (currently version 19.1) is a thermodynamics dataset prepared for
modeling magmatic-hydrothermal ore forming processes. The dataset includes
the most recent experimental data for REE-bearing minerals and the data
for rock forming minerals from the Holland and Powell (1998) and Robie and
Hemingway (1995) datasets. Aqueous species are from SUPCRT92 (slop98.dat)
and were updated to include recent experimental data for REE-, Zr- and
Al-bearing aqueous species and much more.
This open access dataset is meant to be used with the GEM-Selektor v.3.9
or later versions. In addition, several modeling project files (Modules)
have been prepared to get you started with GEMS.package for geochemical
modelling. More details and the file download are provided in the
contributor's web page geoinfo.nmt.edu/mines-tdb.
To use the MINES data base with the GEM-Selektor package, please,
download it (as a .zip file) to your hard disk and perform the following
1. Unzip the downloaded zip file (contains a directory named "DB.default/")
into a temporary directory, e.g. as Tempfiles/DB.default/
2. Find where you have GEMS installed (on Windows, usually under C:\Selektor\Gems3-app\Resources\)
the DB.default/ directory.
3. Copy all files from Tempfiles/DB.default/
into the /Resources/DB.default/
4. Start GEM-Selektor and create a new modelling project following module
1 on the tutorial gitbook (https://apgysi.github.io/gems-mines-tutorial/).
Check that "supcrt", "psi-nagra" and other entries except "mines" in
"3rdparty" are turned off. Click "Next>" when ready.
5. Select Independent Components to define the system, and proceed
as usual.
HERACLES database for U, TRU and FP
available from NES PSI, has been compiled to support modeling of U and
fission products (FP) solid and gaseous speciation during pyroreprocessing
of spent nuclear fuel in nuclear engineering. The database covers standard
molar thermodynamic properties of compounds of actinides, fission
products, and minor actinides, covering most of chemical elements. At
present, the data for over 340 condensed compounds (including melts and
liquid condensates and over 290 gaseous (also charged) species are
provided. The gas phase is treated as an ideal mixture of ideal gases; for
melts, the non-ideality of mixing is taken into account.
After downloading the database archive:
- unpack it into a temporary directory; e.g. as Tempfiles/DB.default/
- find where you have GEMS installed, and locate there the Resources/DB.default/
directory. Remove in that directory all files that contain "specific" as
part of the file name (if any present);
- copy all files from Tempfiles/DB.default/
into the /Resources/DB.default/
- start GEMS and create a new project. In the "Basis configuration of a
new Modelling Project" dialog, turn off "psi-nagra", "supcrt" (if no
aquatic systems should be modelled) and turn on "3rdparty" and
"support". Check that in "3rdparty", other entries except "heracles" are
turned off. Click "Next>" when ready. This will make HERACLES
database files available for creating new projects;
- select Independent Components to define the system, and proceed as
Copyright (c) 2007-2021 GEMS Development Team
Last updated: 26.06.2021