Download GEM Software as binaries or build it from source code
This download page is still under
GEM Software (GEMS) is a collection of free code packages and databases
for thermodynamic modelling of aquatic (geo)chemical systems.
GEMS is distributed free of charge to registered users affiliated
to non-profit educational and research institutions, for educational and
research purposes only, subject to the Terms
and Conditions of Use.
Use of GEMS in any lucrative commercial activity (i.e. not education or
research) such as production or trade requires a written agreement with
the vendor (Paul Scherrer Institute).
The currently available trunk variant of GEMS is provided without
source code, in the form of an executable program with built-in thermodynamic
database and help database. The source code is publicly available here
and here. Starting
from version 3.6.0, the source code of GEMS3GUI part is made available
under the GPL v.3 license. The source code of GEMS3K kernel is available
under LGPL v.3 license, as before.
GEMS runs under Windows, Mac OSX and Linux desktop PCs.
We would appreciate a non-compulsory registration of your name,
affiliation, and e-mail, as well as OS and area of potential
applications. This information is collected for statistical purposes only
and will never be shared with third parties.
Currently available binaries:
GEM-Selektor v.3.7.0 rev. b053eed.fdcdd2b (improved GEM convergence and
speed, automatic compression of sublattice Berman and CEF solid solution
models, improved Process wizard for SFTR mode, various minor bugfixes).
Starting from version 3.6.0, GEM-Selektor GUI (Graphical User
Interface) source code is available under GPL v.3 license. People who are
not afraid of computing (especially those working on Linux systems) can
download git repositories from https://bitbucket.org/gems4
and build them as described in Readme.md file of GEMS3GUI. To download the
latest (trunk) version of the GEMS3GUI source code under GPL v.3 license,
open your web browser and navigate to https://bitbucket.org/gems4/gems3gui.
Follow the instructions in Readme.md file there (you need to have Git
Enjoy GEMS!
17. 06. 2021
Copyright (c) 2003-2021 GEMS Development