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E-Mail: gems2.support@psi.ch

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GEM-Selektor v.3 HTTPS Download Page

Your GEMS3.9.x GEM-Selektor package download registration form has been submitted successfully. 

Please, download and read the Installation instructions (pdf). Some useful hints may also be provided in the Technical Info page.

Please, use an appropriate direct link below to download the actual revision of the package (save the file to disk):

GEMS3.9.7hotfix for Windows-x64 (offline installer) GEMS3.9.7 for MacOS-x64 (offline installer) GEMS3.9.7hotfix for Linux-x64 (offline installer)

GEMS3.9.7hotfix for Linux-x64 (tar.xz of AppImage)

Default locations:  Starting from GEM-Selektor v.3.8.0, the installers for Windows are built using the Qt Installer Framework. To avoid problems with user access rights in Windows10, the install target should be in the user' (home)  folder (C:\Users\<myuser>\GEMS3); the automatic location of user's modelling projects is also in the user folder (C:\Users\<myuser>\Library\Gems3\projects). In MacOS, default locations of the program (/Users/<myuser>/GEMS3/Gems3.app) and the users projects (/Users/<myuser>/Library/Gems3/projects/) can  be chosen similar to those in Windows10. Such locations for user's projects (in Library/GEMS3/projects) persist even after the GEM-Selektor code will be upgraded or completely removed using C:\Users\<myuser>\GEMS3\MaintenanceTool.exe.

Linux AppImage: The AppImage bundle installer should work "out of the box": simply download it to a location in your home directory (“/home/<you>/GEMS39x”), make it executable (in Linux terminal, type: chmod u+x ~/GEMS39x/<filename>.AppImage ), and launch by clicking on the .AppImage file name in the file manager (or in the terminal, by commands cd ~/GEMS39x ; ./<filename>.AppImage). If you need to add third-party default thermodynamic database files to /Resources/DB.default directory of the GEMS3 app, then unpack the AppImage using (in terminal) a command: ./<filename>.AppImage --appimage-extract and dive into the appearing  ./squashfs-root/usr/bin/DB.default directory. If you need to produce an extended AppImage of GEM-Selektor afterwards then use the appimagetool utility (command ./appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage ./squashfs-root ) that can be downloaded here or from the official AppImage download location

MacOS: To install GEMS on MacOS, click on the downloaded "Gems3.9.x-yyyyyyy.zzzzzzz-qt6-macos-x86-64.dmg" file. In the case of problems with opening this file which is not downloaded from the AppStore, control-right-click on the app icon and select "Open" (repeat "right-click" and "Open", if needed) to allow the system to open the application in a bypass to standard security settings (this should be done once), then follow the Installation instructions (pdf). Afterwards, you can start gems3.app as usual by clicking on its name in Finder or its icon in the Dock.

Windows10/11 security issues: When starting the downloaded installer in Windows 10, depending on your security settings, you may need to bypass some Windows Defender messages. This is normal and reflects increasingly strict security policies of Microsoft that only trust programs from their certified app stores. For GEMS development team, it is getting more and more difficult to comply with these requirements due to the shortage of manpower. Hence, we have to count on your trust and patience.

Attention! On some older or outdated versions of Windows, GEMS may fail to start, displaying errors such as "The application was unable to start correctly" or warnings about missing VC runtime libraries.
To resolve this issue:
1. Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.
2. Alternatively, during the GEMS installation, select the option to include Microsoft Visual C runtime files.
3. After installation, go to the `GEMS397\Gems3-app` folder, run `vc_redist.x64.exe`, and complete the installation.
After following these steps, try starting GEMS again.

Compatibility: This pre-built installer should work "out of the box", except some rare or very new Linux distros. For such Linuxes or for MacOS (M1,M2) processors, where it may not work, it is still possible to download the source code from GEMS public git repositories on Bitbucket and build it, as described here. We would like to know if GEM-Selektor runs on Mac M1,M2.

Gems3.9.6 for Windows.         Gems3.9.6  for MacOS.         Gems3.9.6 for Linux (AppImage).          Gems3.9.6 for Linux (tar.gz).

Attention! There were user reports that the GEM-Selektor v.3.9.6 package (and above) for Windows-x64, when installed in a user directory for the first time, fails to start. Beginning from today (June 26, 2023), the installer for Windows is replaced by a newer installer containing a hot-fixed package expected to start normally in all cases. The previous installer is still available from this link for those who do not want to de- and re-install GEMS396, and would rather use the workaround now added to the Installation instructions (pdf) file, section 1.1A. The same issue was found in MacOS and Linux variants of GEM-Selektor, hot-fixed installers for v.3.9.6 now replacing the previous ones. 

In the unlikely case of unresolved issues with installation or use of GEM-Selektor v.3.9.6, you still can perform a fallback download and installation of previously released (in June 2022) GEM-Selektor v.3.9.5 packages using the links below.

Gems3.9.5 for Windows.         Gems3.9.5  for MacOS.         Gems3.9.5 for Linux.

Please, do not forget to let us know about the issues encountered during the installation of GEM-Selektor v.3.9.6 on your OS by emailing to gems2.support(at)psi.ch

Some information about outdated versions of GEM-Selektor can be found in this web page.

Last updated:  06. 11. 2024

Copyright (c) 2003-2024  GEMS Development Team