GEMS icon GEMS3K Code for Solving for GeoChemical Equilibria

Formats of Text Input/Output Files (TNode level)


1. Introduction

2. Input Files Needed to Run a Standalone GEMS3K Calculation

2.1. DCH File with Chemical System Definition

2.2. IPM File with GEM IPM Numerical Settings, Optional Sorption and Solution Model Parameters

2.3. DBR File with Node Chemical System Recipe Composition and Speciation

3. Free Data Input Text File Format of GEMS3K

3.1. Comment

3.2. Data object field

3.3. FIle header

3.4. Brief files

4. Alphabetical List of Data Objects Used in GEMS3K Input Files

1. Introduction

Text input file formats of GEMS3K program, in general, correspond to three data structures that keep the definition of chemical system (DATACH structure) and work data of the GEM IPM 3 algorithm (MULTI structure), with the data that vary from node to node exchanged through the DATABR ("data bridge recipe") structure. Accordingly, the input consists of three file types: the DCH, the IPM and the DBR. All these files have the same free-text data format. The files can be typed using any ASCII text editor, or easily exported from a SysEq record (calculated equilibrium state) in the GEM-Selektor package. To do the latter, simply open a SysEq record in a "Single Thermodynamic System" dialog and re-calculate it. Then select a menu command "Data" "Write GEMS3K files ..." and follow the appearing dialogs (more about this here).

The contents of DCH file, read only once at the initialization of the GEMS3K session, are copied into both DATACH and MULTI memory structures.

The IPM file contains the data that are irrelevant for the mass-transport part. This file is read once after the DCH file, and the contents are sent into the MULTI memory structure. The IPM file contains numerical settings of the GEM IPM algorithm, as well as the parameters of non-ideal mixing models in phases-solutions, and/or properties of sorption phases and surface complexes belonging to them.

One or many DBR files contain the data for bulk composition, temperature, pressure, and metastability constraints (GEM input). At the same time, such files when written by GEM-Selektor or (coupled) GEMS3K code, contain the GEM equilibrium speciation results (output) such as the dual solution (vector u), primal solution (speciation), activity coefficients, amounts and bulk compositions of phases.

2. Input Files Needed to Run a Standalone GEMS3K Calculation

The minimum to run GEMS3K coupled at TNode level requires to create an instance of TNode structure and a pointer to it, and then issue the GEM_init() call, as exemplified in this code fragment:

   // Create TNode structure instance accessible trough the "node" pointer
   TNode* node  = new TNode();
   long int retCode;
   // Initialize GEMS3K internal data by reading files whose names are given
   // in the null-terminated string as argument of the GEM_init() call
   retCode = node->GEM_init( input_system_file_list_name );
   if( retCode )
      // error occured during reading the files
      return retCode;
   // ......

In the "input_system_file_list_name" string, typically a path to text file with the extension ".lst" is given. In this .lst file, three  GEMS3K input file names must be given (space-separated) in the following order: DCH file; IPM file; DBR file. The files must be located in the same folder (directory) as the .lst file. The easiest way to produce such a set of files is to export them from the GEM-Selektor package, as described here.

After successful initialization, any number of additional DBR files with different chemical system recipes compatible with DCH and IPM files used during the GEMS3K initialization can be read into the TNode instance using the following call:

   // Read the next DBR file e.g. with different input composition or temperature
   long int retCode;
   retCode = node->GEM_read_dbr( NextRecipeFileName );
   if( retCode )
   {  // error occured during reading the DBR file
      return retCode;
   // .....

In the "NextRecipeFileName" null-terminated string, a path to text file with the extension "dbr.dat" should be given.
These DBR file names can be, in principle, passed via a list (.lst) file containing (comma-separated) DBR file names located in the same folder as the "*dat.lst" file. This is done in "gemcalc" and "node-gem" test examples provided with the GEMS3K code. Both example programs can be executed from command line as follows:

gemnode.exe <TestDir>/<TaskName>-dat.lst <TestDir>/<TaskName>-dbr.lst > <TaskName>.out

where <TestDir> is an optional subdirectory path; <TaskName> should be substituted by a string denoting the problem name, e.g. "MyTask". The file <TaskName>.out will contain console output of the program, redirected there during execution of the TNode example. Without this redirection, the output can be found in a terminal (Linux, Mac OS X) or lost (in Windows). The GEMS3K input files will be read in the following order:



The first file in the list, <TaskName>-dch.dat, contains the input data for the chemical system definition (CSD) that can be used by both GEM and the mass transport parts of the coupled code. This data are is also needed for reading/writing the *-dbr.dat files (see below).

The second file in the list, <TaskName>-ipm.dat, contains input data that are used internally by the GEM IPM kernel and must not be exchanged with the mass transport part. This file also contains the GEM IPM numerical controls; parameters of mixing in multicomponent phases; and, optionally,  parameters of surface complexation models.

The third file in the list, <TaskName>-dbr-<node0>.dat, contains the input data for the <node0> chemical system. If this is the only equilibrium to be calculated then no other files are necessary. Otherwise, a list of additional DBR file names from the same or different location is provided in the optional file <TaskName>-dbr.lst> file.

There can be one or many comma-separated file names of *-dbr.dat  (node recipe) type, which will be read sequentially. On the TNodeArray level, these files may contain composition and speciation of all chemical systems needed to set up the initial conditions for the reactive mass transport modelling. On the TNode level, in principle, one *-dbr.dat file is sufficient.

The free-text format of DCH, IPM and DBR text file types is essentially the same, only the data tags and selection of fields differ. Each file consists of two sections - the "dimensions" section where the data needed for memory allocation in GEMS3K are provided, and the "free-data" section which follows next. The two sections are separated by a keyword tag


Many data object entries can be skipped (especially in the *-ipm.dat file), in which case the default values will be set automatically by GEMS3K. The data objects without default values must always be provided at input (they are marked accordingly in the file format documentation).

In the following, only text format files shall be considered.

2.1. DCH File with Chemical System Definition

The DCH input file will always be read first, before the IPM file and DBR files.

The file <TaskName>-dch.dat contains the items of chemical system definitions (CSD) that can be accessed both by the GEM IPM3 and by the mass-transport parts of the coupled code. Contents of this file will be placed in two memory data structures: (1) DATACH structure visible from both GEM IPM3 and the mass transport part, and (2) MULTI - the internal work structure of GEM IPM3, not visible from the mass transport part.

The <TaskName>-dch.dat (and the DATACH structure) also contain dimensions and index lists that are needed for reading and accessing the DBR (node description) files like <TaskName>-dbr-<node0>.dat. Finally, the DCH file and DATACH structure contain the look-up arrays used for the automatic interpolation of Gibbs energies G0, molar volumes V0, and other kinds of thermodynamic data to given values of temperature T and pressure P in GEM IPM3 calculations for any node and time.

The DCH text input file consists of nine sections, of which sections (1), (2),  and (3) contain dimensions needed for memory allocation that must appear before the <END_DIM> tag. Any other data object fields can appear after this tag in any order, and some data objects can be skipped. If the data object tag is not found in the input file, its elements will be assigned default values, if possible.

It is recommended to place the input data in logical sections as in DCH files printed from the GEM-Selektor code. The section (4) contains a DATABR structure index configuration; section (5) contains names and some data for independent components (IC); section (6) contains names and data for the dependent components (DC); section (7) contains names and data for phases; section (8) is the stoichiometry matrix A for all Dependent Components in the system, and section (9) contains the lookup arrays for interpolation of thermodynamic data.

An example DCH text file content (from the 'node-gem' example input data) is shown below

# File tp_test/CalcColumn-dch.dat
<nIC>   7   <nDC>  28    <nPH>  7    <nPS>   2   <nDCs>  23
<nICb>  7  <nDCb>  28   <nPHb>  7   <nPSb>   2
<nTp>   3   <nPp>  3    <iGrd>  0   <fAalp>  1   <mLook>  1

<ICNL>  'C'       'Ca'     'Cl'     'H'       'Mg'      'O'       'Zz'
<ccIC>  'e'       'e'      'e'      'h'       'e'       'o'       'z'
<ICmm>  0.0120108 0.040078 0.035453 0.00100795 0.024305 0.0159994 0
<DCNL>  'Ca(CO3)@' 'Ca(HCO3)+' 'Ca+2' 'CaOH+' 'Mg(CO3)@' 'Mg(HCO3)+' 'Mg+2' 'MgOH+' 'CO2@' 'CO3-2' 'HCO3-' 'CH4@' 'ClO4-' 'Cl-' 'H2@' 'O2@' 'OH-' 'H+' 'H2O@' 'CO2' 'CH4' 'H2' 'O2' 'Gr' 'Cal' 'Dis-Dol' 'Portlandite' 'Brc'
<ccDC>  'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'T' 'W' 'G' 'G' 'G' 'G' 'O' 'O' 'O' 'O' 'O'

<PHNL>  'aq_gen' 'gas_gen' 'Graphite' 'Calcite' 'Dolomite-dis' 'Portlandite' 'Brucite'
<ccPH>  'a'      'g'       's'        's'       's'            's'           's'
<nDCinPH> 19      4         1          1         1              1             1

# 'C'  'Ca' 'Cl' 'H'  'Mg' 'O'  'Zz'
   1    1    0    0    0    3    0
   1    1    0    1    0    3    1
   0    1    0    0    0    0    2
   0    1    0    1    0    1    1
   1    0    0    0    1    3    0
   1    0    0    1    1    3    1
   0    0    0    0    1    0    2
   0    0    0    1    1    1    1
   1    0    0    0    0    2    0
   1    0    0    0    0    3   -2
   1    0    0    1    0    3   -1
   1    0    0    4    0    0    0
   0    0    1    0    0    4   -1
   0    0    1    0    0    0   -1
   0    0    0    2    0    0    0
   0    0    0    0    0    2    0
   0    0    0    1    0    1   -1
   0    0    0    1    0    0    1
   0    0    0    2    0    1    0
# Gases
   1    0    0    0    0    2    0
   1    0    0    4    0    0    0
   0    0    0    2    0    0    0
   0    0    0    0    0    2    0
# Pure solids
   1    0    0    0    0    0    0
   1    1    0    0    0    3    0
   2    1    0    0    1    6    0
   0    1    0    2    0    2    0
   0    0    0    2    1    2    0

<TKval>     298.15  308.15   328.15
<Pval>      100000  10000000 30000000
997.061364306278     998.356005405459     998.315521146566
-0.25866418191325   -0.351245995240374   -0.481526974116549
-0.00946964566451448 -0.00744141355821083 -0.00528332996880317
0.0450858902637571   0.04320907388247     0.0408264412681549
0 0 0
78.2451456494471     75.1438080290594     69.2777788768649
-0.355010888388417  -0.342609612168612   -0.315334450161999
0.00135076186526265 0.00145381261941342  0.00146902056825049
0.00406162824448407 0.00378968195478582  0.00339565126908197
0 0 0
-1.56484448542463e-05 -1.49452326837588e-05  -1.37711281379437e-05
1.33298113314253e-05   1.38725790615347e-05  1.45379532536251e-05
-1.84387418380244e-05 -1.75533933999758e-05  -1.62969099111207e-05
5.76247702545953e-06   6.33629338552895e-06  7.08924325144033e-06
-1.67761919999581e-05 -1.60679169484991e-05  -1.48773193819304e-05
9.3426087471381e-06    9.89204762992462e-06  1.05618685503456e-05
-2.20137394655029e-05  -2.1320943411343e-05  -2.03326858879116e-05
1.64145699446217e-06   2.21808242240575e-06  2.95757899812691e-06
3.28066811910075e-05   3.32679822859718e-05  3.37010311440001e-05
-6.05772456161104e-06 -5.46936955254417e-06  -4.93991997546153e-06
2.42108973468909e-05   2.50266893539127e-05  2.59742627657025e-05
3.73979881034516e-05   3.78500686806748e-05  3.82709925715825e-05
4.39042028119618e-05   4.47667683271473e-05  4.54562337609889e-05
1.7340894051096e-05    1.76207011450668e-05  1.77091668778402e-05
2.52643576113497e-05   2.57718133264169e-05  2.63562931139282e-05
3.05008890803284e-05   3.09909078649789e-05  3.15317883449385e-05
-4.70784300725686e-06 -3.90436877320447e-06  -2.99568282046958e-06
0 0 0
1.80683971876364e-05  1.80449665782457e-05  1.80456983479951e-05
0.024789711565   0.00025621162565   9.09468818833333e-05
0.024789711565   0.00025621162565   9.09468818833333e-05
0.024789711565   0.00025621162565   9.09468818833333e-05
0.024789711565   0.00025621162565   9.09468818833333e-05
5.29799997806549e-06 5.29799997806549e-06 5.29799997806549e-06
3.69339990615845e-05 3.69339990615845e-05 3.69339990615845e-05
6.43900012969971e-05 6.43900012969971e-05 6.43900012969971e-05
3.30599999427795e-05 3.30599999427795e-05 3.30599999427795e-05
2.46299982070923e-05 2.46299982070923e-05 2.46299982070923e-05
-1099175.99998   -1099412.4773716 -1099771.1866594
-1146041.000162  -1146611.6476182 -1147938.5601222
-552790.00065054 -552397.64596393 -551571.07035226
-717024.00023652 -717244.44195785 -717679.66789818
-998974.99998001 -998115.07384519 -996287.53862559
-1047022.0003151 -1046840.8294166 -1046684.4334278
-453985.00080868 -452816.49654134 -450465.45064891
-625868.00044448 -625069.89938223 -623576.29640564
-386014.99998948 -386899.55522501 -388855.6969679
-527982.00178413 -527493.83708255 -526278.15287992
-586940.00066985 -587672.78039755 -589086.24152252
-34353.999832761 -34900.700576841 -36207.37497453
-8535.3605102398 -9906.1943288058 -12592.475843486
-131290.00076596 -131663.56530272 -132298.2564942
17729.00010995   17380.090133707   16559.535871506
16446.000207431  15626.385155535   13809.465864252
-157270.00090727 -157181.92300796 -156877.9321197
0 0 0
-237181.38483664 -237714.09160835 -238846.23234236
-394393          -396536.60110492 -400860.47406385
-50659           -52527.592734262 -56299.999726769
0                -1311.6093540837 -3962.5913312329
0                -2056.2422857245 -6197.1811918837
0                -6.4313916269379 -27.418626262101
-1129176         -1129750.8053174 -1130974.4968908
-2157149         -2158204.8298561 -2160460.5933456
-897013          -897534.29155164 -898656.19809258
-832227          -832627.45843186 -833500.39273009
# End of file

2.2. IPM File with Numerical Settings, Optional Sorption and Solution Model Parameters

The IPM text input file for GEM-IPM specific data is usually generated from GEM-Selektor package. The IPM file is complementary to the DCH file. The GEMS3K program reads this file after the DCH file and before any DBR file.

The file <TaskName>-ipm.dat contains additional data and numerical controls from the IPM (MULTI) data strucutre that are necessary for the GEM IPM3 algorithm but are not relevant for the mass transport part or enother upper-level code. As an option, the whole binary MULTI structure can be read from the <TaskName>.ipm binary file if the -b key is set at the beginning in the <TaskName>-dat.lst file.

The IPM text input file consists of eight sections, of which section (1) contains flags that affect memory allocation in the MULTI structure; section (2) contains dimensionalities for additional memory allocation for surface complexes (main dimensionalities of the  chemical system are given in the DCH file); section (3) contains numerical controls and tolerances of the GEM IPM-3 kernel; section (4) defines the presence and the data for mixing models of multi-component phases and,  in particular, the arrays of non-ideality parameters in TSolMod convention; sections (5) and (6) provide some complete data arrays that may be incomplete in DBR file(s); section (7) contains some initial data for phases; and, finally, section (8) contains initial data for sorption (surface  complexation) phases, present if set so in section (2).

Sections (1) and (2) contain flags and dimensions needed for optional memory allocation, which must appear before the <END_DIM> tag. Any other data object field can appear after this tag in any order, and many data objects can be skipped. If the data object tag is not found in the input file, its elements will be assigned default values, if possible. It is recommended to place the input data  in logical sections, as exported from the GEM-Selektor code.

For GEMS3K calculations in typical aquatic systems containing only ideal gas mixture and ideal solid solutions, the contents of IPM text input file can be really minimal, as exemplified below for the 'gemcalc' or 'node-gem' example input  file.

# File tp_test/CalcColumn-ipm.dat
"CalcDolo     CalcColumn  0000 0       1       25      0   "

<PAalp>          '+'   <PSigm>          '+'
# Numerical controls (non-default values)
<pa_DK>  1e-07
# TSolMod data exchange section
<LsMod>   2 0 4    0 0 0
<PMc>  0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
<LsMdc>   0 0 0    0 0 0
# Provisional bulk composition of the system

<B>  0.0001001 1e-07  0.016  110.683696417673  0.008  55.3420685088366  0

2.3. DBR File with Node Chemical System Recipe Composition and Speciation

The DBR text input file, read into the DATABR (node recipe) data structure, can either be exported from GEM-Selektor or prepared using a simple text editor.  The GEMS3K program reads such files after the DCH and IPM files. The DATABR data structure comprises the interface ("data bridge recipe") for coupling mass transport and chemistry (see databr.h file).

The file <TaskName>-dbr-<node#>.dat contains parts of the chemical system definition that may be changed by the mass transport part (input data of GEM such as T, P, bulk composition, metastability constraints) or are returned after the GEM IPM calculation to be utilized by the mass transport part at the next time iteration.

The DBR text input file consists of several logical sections. Dimesions of all arrays in DATABR correspond to those given in Section 2 of DCH file, and the order of components and phases - to the index lists in Section (4) in the DCH file. Here, we will refer to tags from these two sections even though these tags are not present in the DBR file; it is assumed  that the DATACH structure exists and is correctly filled out before any program operation with DBR files or DATABR structures.

The DBR text input file consists of six  sections, of which  section (1) contains the control flags for GEM IPM3 operation and data exchange; section (2) contains the chemical system scalar properties; section (3) contains the FMT scalar variables; section (4) contains the data for Independent Components; section (5) contains the data for Dependent Components; and, finally, section (6) contains the data for phases.

There is no <END_DIM> tag in the DBR file. After section (1), any data objects can appear in any order, and some data objects can be skipped. If the data object tag is not found in the input file, its elements will be assigned default values, if possible. When creating DBR files using a text editor, it is recommended to place the input data  in logical sections as in DBR files exported from the GEM-Selektor code package.

For GEMS3K calculations in AIA mode, the DBR text files can be really minimal, as shown below for the 'gemcalc' example test input data.

# File: tp_test/CalcColumn-dbr-0-0002.dat

<NodeStatusFMT>  -1     <NodeStatusCH>  1
<TK> 298.15     <P> 100000
<bIC>  0.00035 0.00025 0.002 110.68369642 0.001 55.342818209 0
# End of file

3. Free Data Input Text File Format of GEMS3K

This section summarizes the syntax of free data stream input format used in text DCH, IPM and DBR files readable and writable by the TNode class subroutines.  Details about the structure for each file are given in the respective sections above, as well as in the example input data files located e.g. in the "standalone/gemcalc-build/tp_test" folder.

3.1. Comment

The file consists of one or more input data objects (fields) and optional comment lines. A comment line begins with '#' or '$' or ':' character in the first position; by reading the file, anything after the comment line symbol will be ignored until the end of line.

3.2. Data object field

Data object field begins with a tag, which is an identifier in angular brackets <>. The tag is followed by one or more values, depending on the type and dimensions of the respective data object. The values are space-, tab-, or endline -separated; the numerical values can be given as (signed) integer, floating-point, or with decimal exponent (e or E) forms; the string values must be taken in quotes ' ' or " ", e.g. 'Quartz'.
An example of the data object field <bIC> with comment lines before and after it is given below:

# Bulk composition of (reactive part of) the system - GEM input (moles)
# Number of elements: <nICb>, their sequence is given in the <xIC> index list, see the DCH file.
# This is the main input. Inconsistent data in <bIC> may cause failure of the GEM IPM algorithm.
# *** This data object cannot be skipped from the DBR file!
3.31e-04 3.31e-04 2.0e-07 110.6837 1.0e-07 55.34286 0
# Numbers in <bIC> must be positive, between 1e-16 and 9.9999e+5 mol,
# except the last number (total charge) which is usually zero.

3.3. File header

Data objects that define dimensionalities of other data objects must always be provided at the beginning of the file, before the reserved tag <END_DIM>, or in another file which had been read before this file. In relation to the above example, the <nICb> item has been provided in the companion DCH file, where it looks like:

# *** Number of Independent Components kept in the DATABR structure, nICb <= nIC
<nICb> 7

To see which value in the <bIC> vector corresponds to which Independent Component, check the <xic> index list and the <ICNL> name list in the DCH file:

# xIC: DATACH index list of Independent Components kept in the DATABR structure.
# *** xIC Size: see <nICb>
<xIC>   0 1 2 3 4 5 6
# Names in the ICNL list must be alphabetically sorted. Size of the list:  see <nIC>.
# *** Data in all other arrays related to Independent Components must follow this order.
<ICNL>   'C' 'Ca' 'Cl' 'H' 'Mg' 'O' 'Zz'

So, in this example, the <bIC> data object in the DBR file can be represented like this (the second line is a comment for readability):

<bIC>  3.31e-04  3.31e-04  2.0e-07  110.6837  1.0e-07  55.34286   0
#        'C'       'Ca'     'Cl'      'H'      'Mg'     'O'      'Zz'

After the <END_DIM> tag (present in DCH and IPM files, but not in DBR files), other data object items may follow in any order, although it is recommended to keep them in logical sections as arranged in the files exported from the GEM-Selektor code.

3.4. Brief files

Some data objects can be skipped (the tag together with all following values; part of values cannot be skipped). Many data object fields after the <END_DIM> tag in IPM and in the DBR file are not mandatory; when skipped, the default values will be set in the program memory upon reading the file. However, if some optional dimensions are set (e.g. <Lads> before the <END_DIM> tag in the IPM file) then the data objects connected to it must also be provided in the rest of the file. 

The possibility to skip data objects with default values can make the input data files really compact (see Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 and compare with the files in the "standalone/gemcalc-build/tp_test" folder).

Please remember that  the DCH and IPM files are read only once per GEMS3K session, and any number of DBR files (for nodes) can be provided and read in a sequence (for the whole node array at the TNodeArray level).  These DBR files normally have different bulk compositions (<bIC>) and  <NodeHandle> values. If the DCH file contains look-up arrays for thermodynamic data, also <TK> and <P> values in DBR files can vary from node to node.

4. Alphabetical List of Data Objects Used in GEMS3K Input Files

A-B C D E-F G-H I-K L-M N-O P (4 tables)
In tables below, the data objects are arranged alphabetically by their I/O file tags (column "Tag in GEMS3K"). The respective DOD label visible in module window pages of GEM-Selektor is given in the "GEMS label" column, where applicable. Indications in the "Dimensions" column refer to the respective data objects in the DCH file. In the "Input file" column, the file type ans section in it, where this data object field is usually present, is indicated.  Data objects belonging to the DBR file section (3) are used only at the TNodeArray level; upon reading a DBR file,  they will be ignored (if present)  when  <NodeStatusFMT>  is set to -1.

Table 1 (A-B)

Tag in
GEMS label Dimensions
Stoichiometry matrix A for Dependent Components. Contains expansions of their chemical formulae (visible in DComp or ReacDC records in GEMS database). The matrix has nDC rows and nIC columns. Each column corresponds to an Independent Component (the order is given in the <ICNL> list); each row  - to a Dependent Component (the order is in the <DCNL> list). Numbers in a row tell how many moles of each IC are contained in 1 mol of a DC to which this row belongs. In aquatic systems, the last column of this matrix contains the formula charge for an ion, complex, or ligand.

Optional look-up array for Helmholtz energy of DC (J/mol), reserved. This array has a 3-D organization, which is a sequence of 2D tables, each corresponding to one DC.Tables for DCs follow in the same order as the names in the <DCNL> list. Each table has <nPp> rows and <nTp> columns, in total, <nPp>*<nTp> values. Each row in the DC table corresponds to a certain value of pressure from the <Pval> vector. Data in the row refer to this pressure and to temperatures in a sequence defined in the <Tval> vector. DCH
Full vector of specific surface areas of phases (m2/g). Default value: 0 m2/g. Part or all values may be also set up in the DBR file(s).
Specific surface areas of phases (m2/kg) - GEM input. Number of elements: <nPHb>; order of phases is defined in <xph> index list in the DCH file. This vector should be provided only if  the <fAalp> = 1 in the DCH file, otherwise the data will be ignored. Default values: 0 m2/kg.

Specific longitudinal dispersivity of porous media (m). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR

Specific transversal dispersivity of porous media (m). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR

Specific vertical dispersivity of porous media (m). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR
<B> b
nIC Full total bulk composition of the initial system (vector b)  (moles). Important when some ICs are skipped from <xic> index list and cannot be given amounts in the DBR file.
<bIC> b
nICb Bulk composition of (reactive part of) the system - main GEM input (amounts of IC in moles). This vector has <nICb> elements; order of IC: defined in  the <xic> index list. All numbers in <bIC> must be positive, between 1e-14 and  9.9999e+5 mol, except the last number (for the charge balance) which is usually set to zero. This vector is the main input of GEM IPM. Inconsistent data in <bIC> may cause bad convergence or failure of the GEM IPM calculation. This vector must always be provided in DBR input files. DBR
<bPS> bXa
Bulk elemental compositions of multicomponent phases (moles) - GEM output.
Order of phases ( <nPSb> rows): defined in <xph> index list in the DATACH file/structure; order of ICs ( <nICb> columns): defined in the <xic> index list in DATACH. The whole row of zeros means that the respective phase is not present in the equilibrium state.This GEM output table is important for the mass transport part because it contains the bulk composition of fluid phase(s) changed after equilibration in the node. 
nICb Bulk composition of the equilibrium solid part of the system, moles - GEM output. This vector has <nICb> elements. Order of ICs is defined in the <xic> index list in DATACH. DBR

Table 2 (C)

Tag in
Inner capacitance density parameter C1 (F/m2) (used in electrostatic surface complexation models TLM, BSM, CCM). All rows related to aqueous and/or gas phases must be filled with zeros. The row for any sorption phase contains six C1 values for six surface types. For unused surface types, C1 values will be ignored and can be set to zero.
nPS*6 Outer capacitance density parameter C2 (F/m2) (used in TLM, 3LM electrostatic surface complexation models). All rows related to aqueous and/or gas phases must be filled with zeros. The row for any sorption phase contains six C2 values for six surface types. For unused surface types, set C2 = 0.0. IPM
nPS*6 Third capacitance density parameter C3  (F/m2) (to be used in Charge Distribution three-layer model CD 3LM for anions), reserved for future implementations of surface complexation models. Must be filled with zeros.
Type codes of Dependent Components: 'S' - aqueous solute; 'T' - aqueous H+ ion; 'W' - water-solvent; 'G' - component of the gas mixture or fluid; 'I' - component of ideal non-electrolyte solution; 'M' - major component of (solid) colution; 'J' - minor component of solid solution; 'Q' - sorbent in the sorption phase; 'X' - neutral OH surface species; 'Y' - inner-sphere surface complex; 'Z' - outer-sphere surface complex; 'O' - component of the pure condensed phase (liquid or solid). DC type codes are used in the GEM IPM algorithm for selecting equations for chemical potentials, scaling factors, etc.

Codes of Independent Components: 'e' - chemical element; 'h' - hydrogen; 'o' - oxygen, 'z' - electric charge; 'a' - additional ligand (used in GEM IPM calculations).

Phase aggregate state codes: 'a' - aqueous electrolyte; 'g' - gas mixture; 'f' - non-ideal fluid; 's' - solid; 'l' - liquid non-electrolyte; 'm' - silicate melt;  'x' - sorption phase. These codes are used in GEM IPM for the selection of mixing models, scaling factors etc. The order of codes in <ccPH> list must correspond to that in the <PHNL> list.

Optional lookup array for DC heat capacity function (J/K/mol). This array has a 3-D organization which is a sequence of 2D tables, each corresponding to one DC. Tables for DCs follow in the same order as the names in the <DCNL> list. Each table has <nPp> rows and <nTp> columns, in total, <nPp>*<nTp> values. Each row in the DC table corresponds to a certain value of pressure from the <Pval> vector. Data in the row refer to this pressure and to temperatures in a sequence defined in the <Tval> vector. DCH

Table 3 (D)

Tag in
Classifier of DCs involved in sorption phases. Possible codes: X - surface OH group (site); Y - inner-sphere surface complex; Z - outer-sphere surface complex; P - component of the sorbent (solid solution); Q - main component of the sorbent.

Molar masses of Dependent Components (kg/mol) used in calculation of mass concentrations or masses of phases. If skipped from the DCH file, this vector will be restored automatically from the input <A> and <ICmm> data objects
Name list of Dependent Components (up to 16 characters per name). Names can contain Latin letters, digits, @, -, +, =, _ symbols; spaces are not allowed. Data in all other data arrays for DC in DATACH/IPM structures must follow the same order as the DC names in this list.In turn, Names in the DCNL list must be arranged according to the order of phases to which the DCs belong, i.e. aqueous species first, then water-solvent, then gases (if any), then condensed solutions end-members, then components of sorption phases, and then components of pure phases. DCH

 Lookup array for diffusion coefficients of DCs (reserved).
Look-up array for the density of water-solvent (kg/m3), required if the aqueous electrolyte phase is included in chemical system definition. In the general case, this array consists of five 2D tables, arranged in the following order: values of density rho; its derivative on temperature, d(rho)/dT; its second derivative on temperature, d2(rho)/dT2; its derivative on pressure, d(rho)/dP; its second derivative on pressure d2(rho)/dP2. Each table has <nPp> rows and <nTp> columns, in total, <nPp>*<nTp> values. Each row in the table corresponds to a certain value of pressure from the <Pval> vector and to temperatures in a sequence defined in the <Tval> vector. DCH
<denWg> RoW[][1]
5*nPp*nTp Optional look-up array for the density of water vapour (kg/m3), used if the aqueous electrolyte phase or H2O,gas is included in the chemical system definition. This array has the same structure as <denW> array DCH

General diffusivity of disolved matter in the node (m2/s). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR
Full vector of lower metastability constraints on DC amounts <xDC> in the system (moles). Can be entered here because this data may be provided incomplete in DBR files if not all DCs were selected to be kept there. Default: 0 (moles)
Lower metastability constraints on amounts of DCs (moles) - GEM input . Order of elements is defined in the <xdc> index list in the DCH file. Trivial (default) value: 0 moles. This input vector allows the simulation of various kinetic controls, e.g. dissolution kinetics, as function of time and solution composition. In this case, great care should be taken to ensure consistent values of these constraints; inconsistent (too large) values may cause the program crash or convergence failure.
Full vector of upper metastability constraints on DC amounts <xDC> in the system (moles). Can be entered here because this data may be provided incomplete in DBR files if not all DCs were selected to be kept there. Default: 1e6 (moles)
Upper metastability constraints on amounts of DCs (moles) - GEM input. Order of elements is defined in the <xdc> index list in DATACH file/structure. Trivial (default) value: 1.0e+06 moles.This input vector allows the simulation of various kinetic controls, e.g. precipitation kinetics, as function of time and solution composition.
Collected parameters per phase component for the non-ideal mixing models. Number of parameters per component used by k-th phase model is given in <LsMdc>[k]. Provide necessary numbers if at least one element in <LsMdc> is not zero. Total number of parameters per phase in <DMc> is <LsMdc>[k] times the number of Dependent Components included in the phase. Total number of "rows" in <DMc> is <nDCs> (see DCH file). The tables for phase components are all collected in the <DMc> object row-by-row. See gems3k_tsolmod.html file for detail. IPM

Actual time step (s). Passed into the TNode class, stored in DATABR structures and DBR files. Default value is 0.0. DBR

Table 4 (E-F)

Tag in
Eh of aqueous solution, in V - GEM output

Tag keyword indicating the end of header section with compulsory array dimensions or setup flags. Used in  DCH and IPM files. Upon reading these files, when GEMS3K program encounters this keyword, it allocates the memory for dynamic data in DATACH, DATABR and IPM (MULTI) structures. Any missing or wrong dimension will be detected at this stage. Input of any subsequent data will assume the number of elements as defined before <END_DIM> in DCH or IPM files.


Effective (actual) porosity normalized to 1. Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR
Lookup array for the dielectric constant of water-solvent (dimensionless), required if the aqueous electrolyte phase is included in chemical system definition. In the general case, this array consists of five 2D tables, arranged in the following order: values of density eps; its derivative on temperature, d(eps)/dT; its second derivative on temperature, d2(eps)/dT2; its derivative on pressure, d(eps)/dP; its second derivative on pressure d2(eps)/dP2. Each table has <nPp> rows and <nTp> columns, in total, <nPp>*<nTp> values. Each row in the table corresponds to a certain value of pressure from the <Pval> vector and to temperatures in a sequence defined in the <Tval> vector. DCH
<epsWg> EpsW[][1]
Optional lookup array for the dielectric constant of water vapour, used if the aqueous electrolyte phase or H2O,gas is included in the chemical system definition. This array has the same structure as the <epsW> array DCH
Flag for keeping specific surface areas of phases in DBR files and DATABR structure (1) or ignoring them (0) DCH
nDC DQF parameters of end members or pure gas fugacities, in J/mol/(RT).  One number per Dependent component, default value 0.
IPM (5)
Number of sorption phases included in this system (0 if no sorption phases are included). This item cannot be skipped from the IPM file. IPM
Maximum number of surface types per adsorption phase (if FIa > 0, FIat must be set to default value of 6). IPM

Table 5 (G-H)

Tag in
<gam> gamma nDCb Activity coefficients of DCs in their respective phases - GEM output. This vector is also required as input at <NodeStatusCH> = 5 when the old GEM solution is used as an initial  approximation in SIA mode. Number of elements: <nDCb>; order of DC is defined in the <xdc> index list in the DCH file. Trivial (default) value: 1.0. Activity coefficient multiplied by species concentration in the respective phase yields the primal activity of this chemical species. DBR
<G0> g0
Obligatory lookup array for DC molar Gibbs energy function g(T,P) (J/mol).
This array has a 3-D organization which is a sequence of 2D tables, each corresponding to one DC. Tables for DCs follow in the same order as the names in the <DCNL> list. Each table has <nPp> rows and <nTp> columns, in total, <nPp>*<nTp> values. Each row in the DC table corresponds to a certain value of pressure from the <Pval> vector. Data in the row refer to this pressure and to temperatures in a sequence defined in the <Tval> vector.
<Gs> GX 1 Total Gibbs energy of the reactive subsystem (J/RT) (normalized) - GEM output DBR

Actual hydraulic head (hydraulic potential) (m). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR
Optional lookup array for DC molar enthalpy h(T,P) (J/mol). This array has a 3-D organization which is a sequence of 2D tables, each corresponding to one DC. Tables for DCs follow in the same order as the names in the <DCNL> list. Each table has <nPp> rows and <nTp> columns, in total, <nPp>*<nTp> values. Each row in the DC table corresponds to a certain value of pressure from the <Pval> vector. Data in the row refer to this pressure and to temperatures in a sequence defined in the <Tval> vector. DCH

Total enthalpy of inert subsystem (J) (reserved for future use)

Hydraulic longitudinal dispersivity (m2/s). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR

Hydraulic transversal dispersivity (m2/s). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR

Hydraulic vertical dispersivity (m2/s). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR

Total enthalpy of reactive subsystem (J) (reserved)

Table 6 (I-K)

Tag in

Atomic (molar) masses of Independent Components  (kg/mol)
Name list of Independent Components (up to 4 characters per name). Name must begin with a capital letter and contain no digits or other special characters except _ (underscore). 'Zz' is a special name for the electric charge IC which must be the last one in the list. It is desirable that the names in the ICNL list are alphabetically sorted. Data in all other arrays of chemical system definition that involve ICs must follow the order given in this name list.
DCH (5)

Flag for selection of Diffusition coefficients lookup array (reserved).
DCH (3)
Sum of
over nPS
Collected array of indexation tables for interaction parameters of non-ideal solutions. Number of parameters used by k-th phase model is given in LsMod[k][0] and the maximum order (number of  components involved in the interaction) is given in LsMod[k][1]. Elements of <IPxPH> contain indexes (within each phase) of components or moieties that are involved in each interaction. If the order of the interaction is less than LsMod[k][1], the remaining elements in the IPxPH row should be filled with -1 (in the Pitzer model, the last element in the row indicates the type of interaction coefficient). The respective values of interaction parameter coefficients should be provided in the <PMc> array k-th block. See gems3k_tsolmod.html file for detail. IPM

Number of iterations performed by GEM IPM in the last run. Output: here GEM IPM returns how many iterations were done during the last actual calculation invoked by codes 1 or 5 in <NodeStatusCH> field. This data object is not used  for GEM input.
Effective aqueous ionic strength (molal)  - GEM output
Actual Darcy's constant (m2/s). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR
Actual permeability (m2). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR

Table 7 (L-M)

Tag in

Total number of Dependent Components in sorption phases included into this system. If Lads > 0 and FIa > 0 then the data section (7) must be provided at the end of IPM file. This item cannot be skipped from the IPM file.
Natural logarithms of DC "fictive activity coefficients" to be used for correcting g0(T,P) values before simplex() initial approximation. Default value: 0 for all components except minor 'J' end members and surface complexes, for which the default is ln(<pa_GAH>) = 6.907755375.
Dimensions of <DMc> and <MoiSN> tables - three per multicomponent phase, i.e. <LsMdc> array has <nPS>  rows and 3 colums. In each row: the first number is the number of parameters/coefficients per component in the respective block of the <DMc> array, which usually depends on the mixing model code in <sMod>. If at least one element in <LsMdc> is not zero then the <DMc> vector must be provided after this data object. The second and third numbers are zeros or, for multi-site mixing phase models: the second number is the number of sublattices (site types), the third number is total number of moieties acting on all sublattice sites (moieties having the same formula, but acting on different sites, are considered as different moieties!). See gems3k_tsolmod.html file for detail. IPM
 Dimensions of <IPxPH> and <PMc> arrays - three per multicomponent phase, i.e. the <LsMod> array has <nPS> rows (see DCH file) and 3 columns. In each row, the first number is the number of parameters of non-ideal mixing model per this multicomponent phase (i.e. number of  rows in the respective blocks of <IPxPH> and <PMc> arrays). The second number is the number of columns in the respective block of the <IPxPH> array, i.e. the maximum order of interaction parameter; the third number is the number of  columns in the respective block of the <PMc> array, i.e. the number of P,T coefficients per interaction parameter. If at least one element in <LsMod> is not zero then the <IPxPH> and/or <PMc> arrays must be provided hereafter.  See gems3k_tsolmod.html file for detail. IPM
<MASDJ> masdj
Parameters of surface species in surface complexation models: has rows corresponding to DCs starting fom the first DC in the first sorption phase. In each row: column [0] - max site density in mkmol/(g sorbent); column [1] - species charge allocated to 0 plane; column  [2] - surface species charge allocated to beta -or third plane; column [3] - Frumkin interaction parameter; column [4] species denticity or coordination number; column [5]  - reserved parameter (e.g. species charge on 3rd EIL plane).
<MASDT> masdt
Total maximum site  density per surface type (mkmol/g) (maximum 6 surface types can be considered per one sorption phase). Used in SACT corrections for competitive adsorption; for all species involved in such competition for sites of the given type on a surface type,  the same value as here must be set in column [0] of the MASDJ table. All unused elements of MASDT must be set to 0 (e.g. in rows for aqueous and/or gas phases). 
Mass of inert subsystem (kg) (used only in the mass transport part and stored here on the TNodeArray level). Default value 0.0. DBR

Flag that controls interpolation of look-up arrays of thermodynamic data. If set to 0 (default), the interpolation will be performed whenever necessary, over look-up arrays organized as desscribed e.g. for G0. If this flag is set to 1 then interpolation is disabled and the look-up arrays are organized one value per P,T pair as given in Pval and TKval vectors that now have the same length nPp. Accordingly, for each Dependent Component, not nTp*nPp but only nPp values are given in look-up arrays, each corresponding to a P,T pair. In DBR files, only one of such P,T pairs can be used to set pressure and temperature (within tolarances Ptol and Ttol), otherwise GEM IPM calculations cannot be performed.

Sum of
over nPS
Collected end member moiety - site multiplicity number arrays for multi-site mixing models. This input array has total length of sum(of nDCinPH[k]*LsMdc[k][1]*LsMdc[k][2] elements) over <nPS>. The arays are stored in the same order as phase names in DCH file,  for each phase, nDCinPH[k] tables each having LsMdc[k][1]*LsMdc[k][2] occupancy numbers per end member. Upon GEM IPM run, the table for  each phase is transferred to a TSolMod library function that calculates activity coefficients of phase species.
IPM (4)
<Ms> Mbx 1
Mass of reactive subsystem (kg) - GEM output. Will be automatically calculated from the input bulk composition vector <bIC> using the <ICmm> vector. Dividing <Ms> by <Vs> gives the mean density of the reactive part in kg/m3. DBR
<mPS> phM nPSb Masses of multicomponent phases (kg) - GEM output. Number of elements: <nPSb>; order of phases: defined in the <xph> index list in the DCH file.The density of a multicomponent phase can be obtained as <mPS>/<vPS> in kg/m3. DBR

Table 8 (N-O)

Tag in
This vector tells how many Dependent Components is included in each phase. Consists of non-zero integer elements, ordered as described for the PHNL list. The sum of all elements in this vector must exactly equal nDC, and the sum of all elements exceeding 1 must equal to nDCs. Wrong data in this vector will certianly cause the program crash or lead to meaningless results. See also gems3k_tsolmod.html file. DCH
Total number of Dependent Components (chemical species made of independent components) in the chemical system definition (DATACH structure and DCH file)

Number of Dependent Components kept in the DBR file and DATABR memory structure; nDCb <= nDC
Number of Dependent Components in phases-solutions (multicomponent phases) in the chemical system definition (DATACH structure and DCH file), nDCs <= nDC
Fractions of the sorbent specific surface area allocated to surface types. Up to 6  surface types can be defined and will be considered reactive if the respective nfsp element value is greater than zero. Reactive surface types should be set up consecutively beginning from index 0 (i.e. non-reactive surface types to be left at the end). The sum of fractions for the sorption phase is not necessarily equal to 1.0. The rows for aqueous/gas phases should be filled with zeros (ignored).
Number of Independent Components (stoichiometry units, usually chemical elements and charge) in the chemical system definition (DATACH structure and DCH file) DCH

Number of Independent Components kept in the DBR file and DATABR memory structure, nICb <= nIC
Number of phases (into which Dependent Components are grouped) in the chemical system definition (DATACH structure and DCH file) DCH

Number of Phases to be kept in the DBR file and DATABR structure, nPHb <= nPH

Number of pressure grid points in interpolation look-up arrays, 1 or more
Number of phases-solutions (multicomponent phases) in the chemical system definition (DATACH structure and DCH file), nPS <= nPH

Number of phases-solutions (multicomponent phases) to be handled in the DBR file and DATABR memory structure, nPSb <= nPHb DCH

Number of temperature grid points in interpolation lookup arrays, 1 or more (should be equal to <nPp> if <mLook>  is set to 1)

Tortuosity factor (dimensionless). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR

Node identification handle, not used in calculaions on TNode level. In TNodeArray, the node absolute index should be kept here. Used in diagnostic and output files. Default value: 0.

Node status code in GEM (input and output); see typedef NODECODECH in the DATABR.H. This code sets the mode of operation of GEMIPM and returns how GEM has converged (at GEM output).

Node status code in FMT part, not used on TNode level. In TNodeArray, one of the codes given in typedef NODECODEFMT in DATABR.H must be given here. Default value: 1.

Node type code (hydraulic), not used on TNode level. In TNodeArray, one of the codes given in typedef NODETYPE in DATABR.H must be given here. Default value: 0.

Node type (mass transport), not used on TNode level. In TNodeArray, one of the codes given in typedef NODETYPE in DATABR.H must be given here. Default value: 0.

More comments for <NodeStatusCH>: If GEMIPM calculation is called when in the DATABR structure this code is set to 1 then the simplex automatic initial approximation will be used. This results in a larger number of GEM IPM iterations (typically between 20 and 100) but guarantees that the correct stable phase assemblage will be found. Alternatively, setting the code to 5 causes GEM IPM to use the available GEM solution (vectors 'xDC' and 'gam' in this file) as the initial approximation. This may dramatically reduce the number of iterations (typically to 1 - 5) but does not guarantee that the possible appearance of a new phase (e.g. upon change of T or bulk composition) will be detected. The normal return codes for both modes are, respectively, 2 and 6. It is advisable for the FMT program part to check these codes in this field before continuing because any other code value except 1,2 and 5,6 signals an error in GEM calculation (see NODECODECH in DATABR.H for details). Please, note that, if the return code 2 or 6 is left unchanged in the DATABR structure and GEM calculation is called then nothing will be done and the control will be returned with the code unchanged. A brief list of NodeStatuCH codes is given below.

Mnemonic name
NEED_GEM_AIA Need GEM calculation with simplex (automatic) initial approximation (IA)
OK_GEM_AIA OK after GEM calculation with simplex (automatic) IA
BAD_GEM_AIA Bad (not fully trustful) result after GEM calculation with simplex (automatic) IA
ERR_GEM_AIA Failure (no result) in GEM calculation with simplex (automatic) IA
NEED_GEM_SIA Need GEM calculation with no-simplex (smart) IA
OK_GEM_SIA OK after GEM calculation with no-simplex (smart) IA
BAD_GEM_SIA Bad (not fully trustful) result after GEM calculation with no-simplex (smart) IA
ERR_GEM_SIA Failure (no result) in GEM calculation with no-simplex (smart) IA
T_ERROR_GEM Terminal error has occurred in GEMS3K (e.g. memory corruption). Restart is required. 

Table 9 (P)

Tag in
or PG[2]
Node Pressure P (Pa)  GEM input. This value must always be provided. If this value differs by more than <Ptol> bar from the pressure value used in previous GEM calculation, the GEMS3K program will attempt to interpolate thermodynamic data (if interpolation grid arrays were provided in DCH). If a given P value goes outside of the interpolation interval then calculations will stop and NodeStatusCH will be set to ERR_GEM_AIA or ERR_GEM_SIA. 
DBR (2)
Smoothing parameter for non-ideal increments to primal chemical potentials between IPM descent iterations. Possible values: from 1.0 to 0.1 (or -1.0 to -0.1). For ideal systems, 1.0 (default) is recommended. Too high or to low values may cause non-convergence of GEM IPM in highly non-ideal systems. For alternative smoothing functions, Pa_AG should usually be set to 1.0 (or -1.0). If set less than 1.0 then the smoothing will effectively begin after several IPM iterations. More in gems_ipm.html.
Minimum amount of Independent Component in the bulk system composition (except charge "Zz") (moles). May be set in the interval 1e-20 < DB < 1e-7. Default value: 1e-17. More in gems_ipm.html.
Cutoff mole amount for elimination of solution- or surface species (default value 1e-33) IPM
Tolerance for the application of the phase stability criterion for a lost phase to be inserted to mass balance (diagnostic criterion  for determining which phases are stable (|f_a| <= DF) and which are not (|f_a| > DF). Used in the PhaseSelektion() procedures for checking the stable phase assemblage and inserting stable phases absent from the mass balance.  Inserted amounts will be taken from <pa_DFYs>. Default is 0.01. More in gems_ipm.html.
Threshold for the phase stability criterion for a phase to be eliminated from the mass balance in  PhaseSelection() procedures.  If any (pure) phase with f_a < -DFM  is detected then all its components will be removed (zeroed off) from the speciation and phase amounts vectors, and IPM run will be repeated using the corrected speciation as initial approximation. Default value is 0.01. More in gems_ipm.html.
Insertion mole amount for water-solvent, used after the simplex() initial approximation in EnterFeasibleDomain() (default value 1e-5)
Pa_DFY[1] 1
Insertion mole amount for aqueous species, used after the simplex() initial approximation in EnterFeasibleDomain() (default 1e-5)
Pa_DFY[2] 1
Insertion mole amount for ideal solution components, used after the simplex() initial approximation in EnterFeasibleDomain() (default 1e-5)
Pa_DFY[3] 1
Insertion mole amount for major solution components, used after the simplex() initial approximation in EnterFeasibleDomain()  (default 1e-5)
Pa_DFY[4] 1
Insertion mole amount for minor solution components, used after the simplex() initial approximation in EnterFeasibleDomain() (default 1e-5)
Pa_DFY[5] 1
Insertion mole amount for single-component phase, used after the simplex() initial approximation in EnterFeasibleDomain() (default 1e-5) IPM
Insertion mole amount used in PhaseSelect() for a condensed phase component (default value is 1e-6)

Table 10 (P)

Tag in
Maximum allowed relative mass balance residual for Independent Components (may be set in the interval 1e-16 < DHB < 1e-10). Default value: 1e-13.  More in gems_ipm.html.
Total number of moles used in internal re-scaling of the GEM task system. Default value: 1000 moles of total IC amount in bulk composition vector <bIC>. Possible values: 0.001 to 10000 moles. Note that default values of other numerical controls were tuned to the default value of <pa_DG> = 1000. If this value is changed, many settings may need to be re-adjusted to achieve optimal convergence and precision of GEM IPM-3 algorithm.More in gems_ipm.html. IPM
Exponent in the sigmoidal smoothing function, or minimal smoothing factor in new functions. Possible values: 0 (smoothing is disabled if also Pa_AG is set to 1); from 0.01 to 0.1 to enable smoothing. Default value: 0. To invoke new smoothing functions, just invert the sign of Pa_AG to negative. For surface complexation models, only the old smoothing function with Pa_AG = 0.7 and Pa_DGC = 0.07 must be used. More in gems_ipm.html. IPM
IPM-2 convergence threshold for the Dikin criterion (may be set in the interval 1e-8 < DK < 1e-3, the default value of 1e-6 is recommended). Setting too low DK < 1e-7 may dramatically increase the number of IPM iterations, slowing the convergence down. Too large DK value may result in an inconsistent GEM IPM solution. More in gems_ipm.html.   IPM
Tolerance on the amount of DC with two-side metastability constraints if set equal in  <DLL>, <DUL> arrays (in moles). Default value is 1e-10. More in gems_ipm.html file.
Standard surface density (nm-2) for calculating activity of surface species (do not change unless a different standard value is used in the supplied thermodynamic database). Default is 12.05 nm-2.
 Maximum allowed number of iterations in the MassBalanceRefinement MBR() procedure (can be set  between 10 and 200). Default value: 130. If the MBR() procedure has not converged in DP iterations,  this usually means that chemical system definition (CSD) is incorrect, or there are errors in DC stoichiometry.  More in gems_ipm.html. IPM
Cutoff minimum mole amount of stable Phase present in the IPM primal solution. Default value is 1e-20. Elimination of a phase  means that amounts of all its components in the speciation vector (primal solution) will be set to zero, and calculation of activity coefficients skipped on remaining GEM iterations. Setting DS > 1e-10 may significantly affect the mass balance residuals and cause MBR() errors.
Mode for applying tolerances to mass balance residuals in MBR() procedure.  If this setting is 0 (default) then the MBR() procedure will try to satisfy relative tolerances for all ICs mass balance residuals as set in <Pa_DHB> regardless of IC amounts in the b vector. If this setting is +1 or -1 then <Pa_DHB> value will be interpreted as relative or absolute tolerance for the residuals; MBR() iterations will continue if at least for one ICs (except charge 'Zz'), the residual exceeds Pa_DHB or exceeds bi*Pa_DHB. Using this mode leads to better MB precision for major elements such as H, O, Si, Ca, Mg etc. in aquatic and rock systems. More in gems_ipm.html file. 
Activate (1) or disable (0) error condition on maximum number of MBR() iterations <Pa_DP>. Default: 0. If activated, when MBR() iterations have exceed <Pa_DP>, the GEM IPM3 will stop with an error message E04IPM.
Precision criterion of the simplex() procedure to obtain the automatic initial approximation (may be set in the interval 1e-14 < EPS < 1e-6). Default value: 1e-10. More in gems_ipm.html file.

Table 11 (P)

Tag in
Initial activity coefficient value for major (M) species in a solution phase before Simplex() approximation. Default value 1. Used only at LP simplex step in AIA mode. More in gems_ipm.html file. IPM
Initial activity coefficient value for minor (J) species in a solution phase before Simplex() approximation. Default value 1000. Used only at LP simplex step in AIA mode. More in gems_ipm.html file. IPM
Threshold for primal-dual normalized chemical potential difference used in Speciation Cleanup (default value: 0.001).  In all multi-component phases present in the primal solution in positive amounts, the Speciation Cleanup procedure compares the amounts of DCs in the primal solution vector xDC with their amounts restored using the dual solution vector uIC and DC chemical formula from A matrix. The DC amount is corrected to the restored one, if |<Pa_GAS>| is exceeded for this DC. More in gems_ipm.html.
Minimal effective ionic strength (molal), below which the activity coefficients for aqueous species are set to 1. Default value: 1e-5.
Convergence parameter of SACT calculation in sorption/surface complexation models (can be set between 0.01 and 0.000001). Default value is 0.001.
Maximum allowed number of iterations in the Main_IPM_Descent() procedure.  Default value: 7000.  This parameter is also used in new smoothing functions (see Pa_AG). More details in gems_ipm.html. IPM
Mode of PhaseSelect() operation, old (1) and new (2) variants. Default value 2. This flag defines the behavior of Phase Selection procedure, (disabled when this flag is set to 0). More details in gems_ipm.html. IPM
Mode of calculation of activity coefficients and metastability factors. Possible values: 2 (default) - at each MBR() and MainIPMDescent() iteration;   3 - reserved. This mode should be fixed to 2 in the present version of GEM-Selektor.
 Flag for using electroneutrality condition in GEM IPM calculations (should be set to 1 if  an Independent Component "charge" ("Zz") is present in the system definition). This flag may be automatically switched off to 0 during GEM calculation if e.g. the aqueous phase has been eliminated
Cutoff mole amount for elimination of  non-electrolyte solution phase with all its components (default  value 1e-10). 
<pa_PLLG> Pa_LLG 1
Tolerance for checking divergence in the GEM dual solution between IPM iterations. Default: 30000.  Possible values: 0 - disables the divergence detection (in stiff systems, failure of GEM IPM algorithm may occur);  32001 or -32001 - enables divergence detection in the respective mode, but blocks the warning message; other values between 1 and 32000 or -1 and -32000 enable the divergence detection and possible warning W14IPM. More in gems-ipm.html. IPM
Decimal exponent for maximal DC amount correction in SpeciationCleanup().  Default value: -5. The correction will be applied if log10 of the absolute difference between the corrected and uncorrected amount exceeds <Pa_PRD>, otherwise the DC amount will be set to 10<Pa_PRD>. This tolerance is especially useful if the detection of divergence in the dual GEM solution is disabled (see <Pa_LLG>). Possible values: from -7 to -3 More in gems_ipm.html.
Level of IPM diagnostic messages: 0- disabled (no ipmlog file); 1- normal; 2-including warnings. Default value: 1. See gems_ipm.html for detail.
Pa_XMI[1] 1
Cutoff mole amount for elimination of solid sorbent (default 1e-13). Elimination of the sorbent results in the elimination (zeroing off) of the whole sorption phase and all its components from the mass balance. IPM
Cutoff mole amount for elimination of water-solvent (default 1e-13). Elimination of the solvent results in the elimination (zeroing off) of the whole aqueous phase and all its components from the mass balance. IPM

Table 12 (P)

Tag in

Flag for using (+) or ignoring (-) specific surface areas of phases; default value is '+'.  This flag must be set on (+) if dispersed or sorption phases, or phases under kinetic rate control are present in the system definition.
Density of permanent surface type charge (mkeq/m2) for each surface type on sorption phases. Default value 0, should be set to zero for unused surface types and for rows corresponding to aqueous and gas phases.
nPH List of Phase names (up to 16 characters per name, e.g. 'Brucite'). The name can contain Latin letters, digits, @, -, +, =, _ symbols; spaces are not allowed. Names in this list must be arranged in the following order: aqueous electrolyte phase first (if present in the system), then fluid and/or gas phase(s) (if present), then condensed solution phases (if present), then sorption phases (if present), and then pure condenced phases. Data in all other DCH/IPM arrays for phases must go in the same order as the Phase names in this list

Flag for using metastability constraints on calculated amounts of Dependent Components (see <DLL>, <DUL> arrays). Possible values: 1 (on) or 0 (off). Default value is 1 (on). 

Collected array of interaction parameter coefficients for the (built-in) non-ideal mixing models. Number of parameters used by k-th phase model is given in <LsMod>[k][0] and the number of T,P coefficients per parameter - in <LsMod>[k][2]. Provides necessary coefficients or zeros for each combination of phase component indexes given in the <IPxPH> table. See gems3k_tsolmod.html file for detail. IPM

Partial pressures or fugacities of pure Dependent Components (for setting constant chemical potentials or pure gas fugacity). Default values: total pressure P  in bars.

Flag for using (+) or ignoring (-) specific surface free energies of phase-aqueous and phase-gas interfaces; default value is '+'.

Tolerance for the pressure interpolation (Pa). Thermodynamic data will be interpolated in GEMS3K only if the current pressure is more than Ptol different than the previous one used in GEM IPM run. Default value: 1000 Pa.

Flag for the volume balance constraint (on Vol IC) - for indifferent equilibria at P_Sat (not used in this version). If PV = 1 then the Independent Component "Vol" must be included  for the volume balance. The usual (default) value of PV is 0.

Pressure values (Pa) for the look-up arrays grid of thermodynamic data, must be given in the ascending order. Interpretation depends on <mLook> flag.
pe of aqueous solution in the activity scale (GEM output)
pH of aqueous solution in the activity scale (GEM output)

Table 13 (Q-S)

Tag in
Actual carrier density for density-driven flow (kg/m3). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR
<rMB> Cb
nICb Mass balance residuals - GEM output (moles). This vector has <nICb> elements in the order of IC defined in the <xic> index list. Good relative mass balance residuals must be less than 1e-12 (1e-15 for O, H). This vector can be checked for evaluating quality of the GEM IPM3 solution. DBR
nDC Code of metastability constraints for DCs: 'B' - both side (<DLL> and <DUL>) constraints  are used (default); 'L' - from below only (<DUL> take trivial values of 1e6 mol); 'U' - from above only (<DLL> take trivial values of 0 mol). Default value: 'B'.
nDC Units of metastability/kinetic constraints for DCs (see vectors <DUL>, <DLL>). By now, only 'M' (moles) code can be accepted. IPM

Specific storage coefficient, dimensionless. Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR

Optional lookup array for the DC absolute entropy function (J/K/mol). This array has a 3-D organization which is a sequence of 2D tables, each corresponding to one DC in the same order as in the <DCNL> list. Each 2D table has <nPp> rows and <nTp> columns, in total, <nPp>*<nTp> elements. Each row in the table corresponds to a certain value of pressure from the <Pval> vector. Data in the row referto this pressure and temperatures in the sequence defined in the <TKval> vector. DCH
Classifier of applied SACT equations (isotherm corrections). Possible values:  'L' - competitive Langmuir (default); 'Q' or '1' - non-competitive monodentate (Langmuir); '2' - non-competitive bidentate QCA; '3' - non-competitive tridentate QCA; '4' - non-competitive tetradentate QCA;   'F' - non-competitive Frumkin; 'R' - competitive Frumkin; 'I' - no SACT correction (e.g. for sorbent components). Will probably change in TSorpMod class in future.
Setup of surface sites and species (will be applied separately within each sorption phase). One row per DC, with element [0] - index of surface type to which it is assigned (0, 1, ..., 5, default 0); element [1] should be set to -1 (assignment of surface to the whole sorbent); element  [2] is the index of surface site for this DC in the surface type (0,1, ... ; default 0); element [3] is the index of surface EIL plane (0 innersphere, 1 outersphere, default 0) to which the formula charge of DC is assigned (if charge distribution is not explicitly given in the MASDJ table).
Classifier of built-in electrostatic models applied to surface types in sorption phases (one row per phase, one element per surface type; for aqueous and/phases, should be filled with null characters). Possible codes: 'N' - non-electrostatic model (NEM), default;  'D' - double-layer model (DLM),  'C' - constant capacitance model (CCM);  'T' - triple-layer model (TLM);  'M' - modified TLM (Robertson); 'S' - basic Stern model (BSM); '3' - three-plane (CD) model (3PM); 'X' -  ion exchange non-electrostatic model; 'E' - BSM for permanent-charge surfaces; 'I' - reserved. 
Specific surface free energy for phase-gas interface (J/m2) (not yet used). Default: 0 J/m2
Specific surface free energy for phase-water interface (J/m2). Cannot be set in DBR or DCH files - only here! Size: <nPH>. Default value 0 J/m2.
nPS*6 Codes for built-in mixing models of multicomponent phases. Of these six characters per phase, the second, third and fifth must be set to 'N'. The fourth character can be either 'I' (ideal mixing) or 'S' (the built-in subroutine will be used for the non-ideal model). Note that only built-in mixing models are allowed in GEMS3K (i.e. no phase scripts). The sixth character is either 'N' or code of the mixing rule used in some fluid EoS models (e.g. 'W'). The first code selects the built-in model; for codes and details, see gems_solmod.html.

Table 14 (T-W)

Tag in
<TK> TC[0]
Node temperature T (K). This value must always be provided (GEM input). If this value differs by more than <Ttol> degrees from the temperature value used in previous GEM calculation, the GEMS3K program will attempt to interpolate thermodynamic data if lookup arrays were provided in DCH file or DATACH memory structure. If a given TK value is outside of the interpolation interval then calculations will stop, and NodeStatusCH will be set to ERR_GEM_AIA or ERR_GEM_SIA.
nTp Temperature values (K) ffor the look-up arrays grid of thermodynamic data; the values must be given in the ascending order. Interpretation depends on the <mLook> flag.
Tolerance for the interpolation over temperature (K). Thermodynamic data will be interpolated only if current temperature is more than Ttol different than the previous one used in GEM IPM run. Default value: 0.1 degree DCH
Actual total simulation time (s). Passed into the TNode class. Stored in DATABR structures and DBR files. Default value is 0.0. DBR
Transmissivity (m2/s). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR

Optional lookup array for Internal energy of DC (J/K/mol). This array has a 3-D organization which is a sequence of 2D tables, each corresponding to one DC.Tables for DCs follow in the same order as the names in the <DCNL> list. Each table has <nPp> rows and <nTp> columns, in total, <nPp>*<nTp> values. Each row in the DC table corresponds to a certain value of pressure from the <Pval> vector. Data in the row refer to this pressure and to temperatures in a sequence defined in the <TKval> vector. Under construction.
<uIC> u
nICb Chemical potentials of ICs (dual GEM solution) - GEM output, normalized scale. Order of elements is defined in the <xic> index list. This vector contains normalized chemical potentials of Independent Components, from which and the stoichiometry matrix <A> the chemical potential of any DC in this chemical system can be algebraically calculated. DBR

Obligatory lookup array for (standard) molar volumes of Dependent Components (J/Pa). This array has a 3-D organization which is a sequence of 2D tables, each corresponding to one DC in the same order as in the <DCNL> list. Each 2D table has <nPp> rows and <nTp> columns, in total, <nPp>*<nTp> elements. Each row in the table corresponds to a certain value of pressure from the <Pval> vector. Data in the row refer to this pressure and temperatures in the sequence defined in the <TKval> vector.

Volume of inert subsystem (m3) (used only in mass transport part and stored here on the TNodeArray level).

Advection velocity (in pores) in this node (m/s). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR
Volumes of multicomponent phases (m3) (GEM output). Order of phases: defined in the <xph> index list in the DCH file.
Volume V of reactive subsystem in the node (m3) (GEM output)

Total volume of the node (m3). Not used on the level of TNode, stored in DATABR structures and files on the level of TNodeArray. Default value is 0.0. DBR

Table 15 (X-Z)

Tag in
Speciation - amounts of DCs in equilibrium state - primal GEM solution (moles) (GEM output). This vector is also required as input at <NodeStatusCH> = 5 when the old GEM solution is used as an initial approximation. Number of elements: <nDCb>; order of DC elements is defined in the <xdc> index list in the DATACH structure.The <xDC> vector is the typical result of equilibrium speciation calculations, from which concentrations of all chemical species (or their activities using the <gam> output vector) can be computed. Zeros in this vector correspond to unstable species eliminated by GEM IPM from the mass balance in equilibrium state.

DATACH access index list of Dependent Components kept in the DATABR  structure and in DBR files (contains indexes of respective DCs in DATACH lists)

DATACH access index list for Independent Components kept in the DATABR structure and in DBR files (contains indexes of respective ICs in DATACH lists)

DATACH access index list for Phases kept in the DATABR structure and in DBR files (contains indexes of respective Phases in DATACH/IPM lists) DCH
Amounts of phases in equilibrium state (moles) - GEM output. Number of elements: <nPHb>; order: defined  in the <xph> index list in the DCH file. Zero element value means that the respective phase  is unstable and is not present in the equilibrium state mass balance. This data object is not used as GEM IPM3 input.
Amount of carrier (sorbent or solvent) in multicomponent phases (GEM output). Order of phases: defined in <xph> index list in the DATACH file/structure. This data object may be very useful e.g. in calculation of molal concentrations of aqueous species.
<YOF> Yof
nPH Surface free energy parameter for phases (J/g) ( to accomodate for variable phase composition). Default: 0.0 J/g. IPM

Last change: 17.12.2012 DK SD

Copyright (c) 2012 GEMS Development Team