GEM-Selektor News Ticker
06 November 2024:
New Release
A new version of GEMS-Selektor v3.9.7 was released for Windows 10/11 and Linux,and MacOS version is now available for downloading from the
web page. The version contains several bugfixes and improvments:
* fix for calculation of ReacDC record properties at Tr and Pr other than 25 C 1 bar
* fix water standard properties as in CODATA89/NEA, conversion from steam table
* fix for assignment of water properties for LVS model above critical T
* GEMS-227: Fixed 'gems' application not responding when a lot of systems to update.
* GEMS-227: Skip copy not connected db files when creating gems project by template
* GEMS-226: Added buttons 'Select all' and 'Clear Selection' on the basis configuration of a new Modelling Project.
* GEMS-224: Bugfixed: avoid old records selections in case of 'clearing all' mode for reacdc records
* GEMS-215: Bugfixed: the folder Library/Gems3/ is created without the projects/ subfolder.
27 June 2023:
Attention (hotfix)! There were user
reports that the latest GEM-Selektor v.3.9.6 package for Windows 10/11,
when installed in a user directory for the first time, fails to start.
Beginning from today, the installer for Windows is
replaced by a newer installer containing a hot-fixed package expected to
normally in any case. The previous installer (from 20 May 2023) is
still available for those who do not want to de- and re-install GEMS396
and would rather use the workaround now added to the
instructions (pdf) file, section 1.1A.
We strongly recommend all GEMS for Windows users to update to this hotfix release.
Similar issues with MacOS and Linux installations of GEM-Selektor have
been found, and the installers replaced with hot-fixed ones.
20 May 2023:
version 3.9.6 hotfix (rev. 7f2d47b.9a8c970) code package is now available for downloading from the GEM-Selektor
web page, replacing the installers of v.3.9.6 released on 10.May 2023. With
this hotfix, all the output from the new logging of GEMS operation will
be written into a "/logs" subfolder in the user's work folder, for
instance, "C:\Users\<username>\Library\Gems3\logs" (where the user
can easily check the logs).
This update also fixes the temporary issue with MacOS
installation mentioned below: now GEM-Selektor can be launched as usual,
by clicking in Finder on "" or by clicking on the "GEMS3" icon
in the Dock. We strongly recommend all users to update to this hotfix release, also those who have already used the installer from 10.May 2023.
10 May 2023:
version 3.9.6 (rev. 78a6759.f9bc3d0) code package, built using Qt5.15 or Qt6.2
LTS, is now available for downloading from the GEM-Selektor
web page.
This is a bugfix interim release, with several reported bugs corrected such
uncaught math errors, memory leaks or crashes due to the use of new
functionality such as the export to GEMS3K files with ThermoFun local
JSON database and the new logging system using spdlog.
This update is recommended for all users,
especially on Linux where we use now a convenient AppImage bundle
format. Note that on MacOS, temporarily the GEM-Selektor v.3.9.6 can
only be started from terminal or from Finder by diving into
Contents => MacOS => clicking on gems3 executable file; this issue
will hopefully be fixed until the next release.
20 June 2022:
version 3.9.5 (rev. 9f3dc56.6dae7a9) code package, built using Qt6.2
LTS, is now available for downloading from the GEM-Selektor
web page.
This is a bugfix release, with several reported bugs corrected such
as: deviations of Pitzer activity coefficients of aqueous species
(tested against the salt solubility data and PHREEQC calculations in
the same system); crash when opening a project with some ReacDC
records containing "empty" (not recalculated inconsistent) data, e.g.
in ClaySorMo and ClaySorIll projects (hint: replace these test
projects in your Library/GEMS3/projects copying them from gems3-app
Resources/projects); default number of displayed digits 8 sometimes
caused ugly rendering such as 1.2600001, and was
changed to 7 in "Preferences" to avoid such artifacts.
This bugfix update is recommended for all users, especially those
working with brines and applying the Pitzer activity model.
14 April 2022:
version 3.9.4 (rev. 58a7959.1e0be4a) code package, built using Qt6.2
LTS, is now available for downloading from the GEM-Selektor
web page.
This is a bugfix release, with several reported bugs corrected such as
wrong calculations of standard enthalpies of aqueous species from
DComp data in MTParm and RTParm (this also affected export of
enthalpies into GEMS3K I/O files). This recommended update is a "must
do" for all users working with enthalpies and heat effects e.g. in
process or reactive transport simulations.
23 December 2021:
version 3.9.3 (rev. 65db334.18b094c) code package, built using Qt6.2
LTS, is now available for downloading from the GEM-Selektor
web page.
This is a bugfix release, also adding more functionality to GEM2MT
simulations: now the modification of nodes at a time step in the
middle of the simulation works if this modification is coded in the
control script. More memory leaks were removed; better handling of
math exceptions also implemented. Initial configuration files of
GEM-Selektor are now provided in JSON format for better compatibility.
The graphics in runtime mode of Process simulations has been improved.
Minor fixes are reflected in commit messages in the source code
repository. An upgrade to this version of GEM-Selektor surely makes
05 November 2021:
version 3.9.2 (rev. 96323c0.8986188) code package, built using Qt6.2
LTS, is now available for downloading from the GEM-Selektor
web page.
This bugfix release has several important issues fixed. GEM2MT
simulations of box-flux 'B' type dynamic reactive transport now run
correctly, including mobile groups of solid/liquid phases, various
types of first-order fluxes and sinks, etc. The large
definitions of SIT aqueous phase are
now automatically compressed upon creation of a new
modelling project including the list of interaction parameter
comments, and re-compressed when cloning the project into an extended
one. Some "yes/no" dialogs were extended into
"yes/no/yes-to-all/no-to-all" style. The GtDemo wizard was re-arranged
for early selection of records to sample in a way consistent with
previously improved ReacDC and Phase wizards. The GEMS3K module was
enhanced with much more extensive handling of math exceptions, warnings
and error messages. GEMS3K can now read/write files in JSON and exchange
data in memory as JSON strings. GEM-Selektor can export GEMS3K files in
JSON format and backup/restore all types of database records in JSON
files (this is more reliable than old customary text format for
backup/restore). Numerous minor fixes and improvements are reflected in
source code repository commit messages. In view of all this, an
upgrade to this version of GEM-Selektor is highly recommended.
17 June 2021:
version 3.9.0 (rev. e7e92e0.8bcdafa) code package is now available for
downloading from the GEM-Selektor web page.
This version contains many bugfixes and significant changes in the user
interface. The comment lines for the SysEq record are now visible and
editable completely in both Recipe Dialog and in the main system widget,
to encourage users better document their work. The ReacDC wizard and
Phase wizard underwent radical changes to become more logical: the
selection of chemical species (dependent components) involved into a
reaction or a phase occurs now at the beginning of the wizard
configuration process, not after it, as before. This also allows to add
better consistency checks among various dimensions and modes, which was
not possible before (new checks will be added into the next release). In
addition, this is the first release using the Qt6.1 framework - a major
upgrade from the Qt5 framework maintained during almost 9 years. Help
pages were also extended/corrected to a significant extent. The look and
feel on high-resolution monitors up to 4k was improved, especially in
Windows, even more. The installers, both off-line and on-line, are built
using the Qt Installer Framework (QtIFW) version 4. The
upgrade to this version is highly recommended.
07 December 2020:
version 3.8.0 (rev. 50e150b5.2888e2a) code package is now available for
downloading from the GEM-Selektor web page.
This release contains important bugfixes, including one in the GEM2MT
calculations and another in the implementation of automatic compression
of interaction parameters table in sublattice (multi-site) Berman and
CEF solid solution models upon removal of some end members. The plot in
the GraphDialog can now be copied on right-mouse click as image to
clipboard or saved into an image file. The look and feel on
high-resolution monitors up to 4k was improved, especially in Windows. Attention!
Starting from v.3.8.0, we distribute online installers for
Windows and MacOS that are built in Qt Installer Framework. These
installers automatically download and install GEM-Selektor and
optionally GEMS3K and (coming soon) GEMSFITS codes. In Windows10, the
code packages by default install into the user folder
(C:\Users\<you>\GEMS3) in order to avoid problems for non-admin
users; the user's modelling projects are now located in the user
folder (C:\Users\<you>\Library\Gems3\projects\)
as well. In
MacOS, default locations of the program (/Users/<you>/GEMS3/
and the users projects (/Users/<you>/GEMS3/Library/Gems3/projects/)
are now similar to those in Windows10. This location is safe
to persist even after the GEMS codes will be upgraded or completely
removed using C:\Users\<you>\GEMS3\MaintenanceTool.exe
(in MacOS: /Users/<you>/GEMS3/ We
highly recommend to upgrade your GEM-Selektor installation to this
version (previous installations will not be affected).
25 March 2020:
version 3.7.0 (rev. 50e150b5.2888e2a) code package is now available for
downloading from the GEM-Selektor web page.
This release contains a significant improvement of GEMS3K numerical
stability and faster convergence (the Pa_DK tolerance needs to be set
0.5 to 1 orders higher than before, e.g. to 1e-5 instead of 1e-6).
Another improvement is the implementation of automatic compression of
interaction parameters table in sublattice (multi-site) Berman and CEF
solid solution models upon removal of some end members due to narrower
list of Independent Components in modelling project or in the system.
There were also improvements in documentation and wizard scripts for 'R'
- type processes (SFTR- Single Flow-Through Reactor) mode. We highly
recommend to upgrade your GEM-Selektor installation to this version.
October 2019:
version 3.6.0 (rev. b17fbf5.7940cbb) code package is now available for
downloading from the GEM-Selektor web page.
Starting from this release, the source code of GEM-Selektor
GUI part is distributed under the GPL v.3 license because of
replacing the graphics dialog module with its implementation based on QtCharts.
numerical code part is distributed under the LGPL v.3 license, as
before. This release also contains some relevant bugfixes in the GEM2MT
module (random-walk algorithm) and in the calculation of CEF sublattice
solid solution models. The default database now contains some
thermodynamic data and phase definitions for the ClaySor sorption models
for illite and montmorillonite, described in detail in NAB 18-027 (2019)
May 2019:
version 3.5.0 (rev. 80423ef.707e5ad) code package is now available for
downloading from the GEM-Selektor web page.
This is a moderate improvement release, featuring simple reactive
transport simulation tools (GEM2MT module, Process simulations in R
mode) in a revised, much better documented and ready to use shape.
Explore the respective wizards to create in minutes some stepwise
flow-through reactor leaching or flushing simulations (Process R mode),
then switch to GEM2MT module with a sequential reactor chain (S mode),
box-flux chain (F mode) and generic box-flux scheme with internal
sources/sinks (B mode), as well as 1-D advection-dispersion (A mode) or
advection-diffusion (W mode) models. All these modes are well suited for
studying water-rock (or water-cement) interactions at different levels
of complexity. This release also contains bugfixes in GEMS3K and
GEM-Selektor improving the runtime performance.
07 January 2019:
version 3.4.5 (rev. dcffc63.39b782e) code package is now available for
downloading from the GEM-Selektor web page.
This is a bugfix release, fixing issues with the reciprocal terms used
in addition to Berman sublattice solid solution model, and with the new
conveniences in the GraphDialog (added tooltips and "what's this").
14 December 2018:
version 3.4.4 (rev. 0c19d8d.4abd759) code package is now available for
downloading from the GEM-Selektor web page.
This bugfix release is also the first truly 64 bit version for Windows,
built with the Qt 5.12 toolkit and MinGW73_64 compiler suite. It
runs on Windows7, 8, 10; Macos 10.12 - 10.14; on (k)ubuntu linux 16.04,
18.04). Improvements include highlighting plot curves and symbols in the
Graphics Dialog by clicking on their legend names. This can save a lot
of time when there are many plots and one needs to identify them
November 2018:
version 3.4.3 (rev. 597a65a.4abd759) code package is now available for
downloading from the GEM-Selektor web page.
This is a bugfix release built with the Qt 5.11.2 toolkit (runs on
Windows7, 8, 10; on Mac OS X 10.11 - 10.14; on (k)ubuntu linux 16.04,
18.04). Many bugfixes done; added help and documentation about CEF and
MBW sublattice solid solution models implementations. The
GEM-Selektor code v.3.4.3 can
also be cloned from its public Git repository here
and built as described in the Overview there (this could make
sense for users of linux other than (k)ubuntu).The
corresponding open-source standalone GEMS3K code v.3.4.3 can
also be cloned from its public git repository here.
24 July 2018:
version 3.4.2 (rev. aee0d15.a86951d) code package is now available for
downloading from the GEM-Selektor web page.
This is a bugfix release built with the Qt 5.11 toolkit (runs on
Windows7, 8, 10; on Mac OS X 10.11 - 10.13; on (k)ubuntu linux 16.04,
18.04). Many bugfixes done, improvements include ClaySor sorption model
and Vinograd MBW solid solution model implementations.
07 April 2017:
version 3.3.5 (rev. ee754fe.a73e674) code package is now available for
downloading from the GEM-Selektor web page.
This is a bugfix release built with the Qt 5.7 (runs on Windows7,
8, 10; on Mac OS X 10.11, 10.12; on (k)ubuntu linux 16.04). Bugfixes and
improvements include more robust kinetics simulations and (fixed) 1-D
reactive transport (advection-dispersion) simulations with
finite-differences method. The corresponding GEMS3K code v.3.3.5 (rev.
a73e674) can be cloned from its Bitbucked git repository,
17 October 2016:
(rev. 3cecb08.8df0cc1) code package is now available for downloading from
the GEM-Selektor web page. This is a
bugfix release built with the Qt 5.7 (runs on Windows 7, 8, 10; on
Mac OS X 10.11; on (k)ubuntu linux 16.04). Bugfixes and improvements
include memory leaks; refreshed Flowline test project; and corrected
output of thermodynamic properties of liquid water and water vapor around
saturated water vapor curve at Psat in systems where both aqueous phase
and gas phase are present. The corresponding GEMS3K code v.3.3.4 (rev.
8df0cc1) can be cloned from its Bitbucked git repository,
18 January 2016:
open-source GEMS3K code under LGPL3 (v.3.3, compatible with GEM-Selektor
v.3.3.3) can now be found in a mirror Git repository on Bitbucket,
Easier to get than ever before!
09 December 2015:
v.1 is a thermodynamics database prepared for modeling
magmatic-hydrothermal ore forming processes by Prof. Alex Gysi (Colorado
School of Mines, USA). It is now available for downloading from the
TDB web page. Please see also the
Contributors page. A welcomed extension of our geography and
coverage of modelling topics, applications and tutorials!
13 April 2015:
GEM-Selektor version 3.3.3 (rev. 2646.1036) code and database package now
becomes available for downloading from the GEM-Selektor
web page. This is a next sub-version release built with the Qt
version 5.4.1 (runs also on Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10). GEM-Selektor v.3.3.3
was in internal development for over two years;
contains important extensions of the Phase record format and data
structure, as well as the Phase remake wizard, made in order to
accommodate more flexible mixing models (TSolMod), built-in mineral-water
reaction kinetics (TKinMet), and a new implementation of sorption and
surface complexation models (TSorpMod; work still in progress). Some test
projects were also improved or updated. In the DB.default database, all
Phase records were converted into the new extended format, and the default
PSI/Nagra thermodynamic database was updated to status 12/07 (see
For backward compatibility, all
modelling projects created in GEM-Selektor v.3.2.x or earlier, will open
and work normally in GEM-Selektor v.3.3.x; accordingly, GEMS3K
I/O files exported from GEM-Selektor v.3.2.x are readable and will work in
coupled codes and examples using GEMS3K v.3.3.x. A prerequisite of this is
that no Phase record is created or remade in such a project having the
"old" record format.
Immediate extension of old modeling
projects in GEM-Selektor v.3.3.x with newly created Phase records,
remaking existing Phase records, or via Project remake/extension wizard
is possible. Before doing that, the user needs only once to open
the project; switch to Database Mode; open the Phase window; and remake
one-by-one all Phase records available in the project (saving each record
back after remake). This will ensure that new or modified phases with
extended structure and functionality will work correctly. Note that if
some Phase records remain in the "old" format (i.e. not remade) then this
will lead to errors or crashes during calculations of equilibria in
systems from this project.
It is essential that ALL Phase
records go once through the Phase remake wizard! Even opening and
closing a modeling project once in the GEM-Selektor v.3.3.x will render
this project unusable in earlier versions of GEM-Selektor (3.2.x or
less). For these reasons, if you have used GEM-Selektor v.3.2.x
or earlier, we recommend not to upgrade it, but to install GEM-Selektor
v.3.3.x to a new location in your PC, check it, and then copy your old
modelling projects into the work project directory of the new version
(usually like \MyGEMS33\Library\Gems3\projects).
23 April 2014:
(rev. 2554.952) code package becomes available for downloading from the GEM-Selektor
web page. This is a bugfix release built with the Qt version 5.2.1
(runs also on Mac OS X 10.9).
14 March 2014:
(rev. 2530.930) code package becomes available for downloading from the GEM-Selektor
web page. This is a bugfix release built with the Qt version 5.2.1
(runs also on Mac OS X 10.9). To take advantage of the improved
GraphicsDialog, the plots in old projects (created with GEM-Selektor 3
before rev. 2370) need to be customized once and saved in the respective
Process, GtDemo or RTparm database records.
06 November 2013:
(rev. 2482.890) code package becomes available for downloading from the GEM-Selektor
web page. There were minor corrections in the updated PSI-Nagra
12/07 default thermodynamic database. A small but useful Phase Information
wizard was added to help the user better navigate between Dependent
Components and Phases in pages displaying the setup of chemical system.
Changes also include several bugfixes, help pages database extensions, and
executable files built using Qt version 5.1.1. To take advantage of the
improved GraphicsDialog, the plots in old projects (created before release
of GEMS 3.2 rev. 2370) need to be customized once.
30 April 2013:
(rev. 2370.830) code package becomes available for downloading from the GEM-Selektor
web page. The default Nagra-PSI thermodynamic database is replaced
with the updated PSI-Nagra 12/07 thermodynamic database. The old
GraphicsDialog is replaced with new GraphicsDialog that uses the Qwt
library and is capable of producing good-quality plots with several
absicssas, which can be saved into files both in bitmap (.png, .jpg, ...)
and vector (.svg, .pdf, .ps) formats. Latest changes also include
bugfixes, further extended help pages database, and executable files built
using Qt version 5. To take advantage of the improved GraphicsDialog, the
plots in old projects will need once to be customized.
20 December 2012:
(GEMS3.1) rev. 2292.780 code package is available for downloading from the
GEM-Selektor web page. Latest changes
include numerous bugfixes, much improved and extended help pages database,
and refurbished Elements Wizard with a new dialog that lets the user to
select built-in thermodynamic database(s), subdatabase(s), and independent
components to be used in creating or expanding modeling projects. This was
done in preparation for the forthcoming release of updated built-in
PSI-Nagra chemical thermodynamic database.
30 September 2012:
(GEMS3.0) is here!. After 3 years of intensive development and testing,
the GEMS3 code is ready for web distribution (for Windows XP/7/8; Mac OS
X; and Linux desktop PC paltforms). Major new features of GEMS3 include:
the efficient and robust GEMS3K numerical kernel with excellent mass
balance precision, the same as in the
code; the TSolMod class library with >20 non-ideal mixing phase
models; the multi-document-frame GUI based on
toolkit; new Remake wizards and System Recipe wizard; versatile Qt4-based
Help system with full search functionality and revised contents including
the Tutorial; the enhanced Graph Dialog; many efficiency improvements and
bugfixes. Please, check the GEM-Selektor web
page for details and downloads.
24 October 2011:
VERSION 3.0 in preparation. After a 2-years period of intensive
development and testing within the internal GEMS Wiki community, the GEMS3
code becomes mature enough for web distribution (for Windows XP/7; Mac OS
X; and KDE-based Linux paltforms). Major new features of GEMS3 include:
the efficient and robust GEMS3K numerical kernel with excellent mass
balance precision, the same as in the
GEMS3K code; the TSolMod class library of >20 multicomponent
phase models; the GUI based on
new Remake wizards and System Recipe wizard; versatile Qt4-based Help
window with full search functionality; the revised run-time
context-sensitive help database including the Tutorial; the enhanced Graph
Dialog; many small efficiency improvements and bugfixes. Please, see the
Page for details, and check the main GEMS web page for the launch
05 November 2009:
1453) of GEMS-PSI version 2.3.1 rc9 for download for Win32
XP/Vista. Please see
bugfix_log file for details.
Installers for Linuxes and MacOS X coming soon!
28 August 2009:
GEMS-PSI version 2.3.1 rc9 is now available for download for Win32
XP/Vista. This release contains numerous improvements in the GEM IPM2
solver, and will be the last one before a major upgrade to version 3 based
on Qt4 GUI. Currently, GEMS version 3 is under extensive testing. We hope
to release it as beta-version as soon as it will be fully functional.
09 February 2009:
GEMS-PSI version 2.3.0 rc8 is now available for download for Win32
XP/Vista; Linux 32/64 rpm, Linux32 deb, and Intel Mac OS X 10.5 platforms.
In this version of GEM-Selektor, a number of mixing models for
condensed phases was added, in particular, Pitzer (HMW) model for aqueous
activity coefficients. Treatment of metastability constraints for
reproducing mineral dissolution/precipitation kinetics has been improved.
Error diagnostics in the GEM IPM kernel has been made more thorough and
strict to provide more information. Smart initial approximation mode was
implemented to accelerate calculations.
25 July 2008:
of GEMS-PSI version 2.2.4 rc7 is now available for download for
Win32 XP/Vista; Linux 32/64 rpm, and Intel Mac OS X 10.5 platforms.
In this version of GEM-Selektor, a mismatch in representation of
output activities and activity coefficients has been fixed. This mismatch
is potentially important for calculation of equilibria involving
concentrated aqueous solutions. A test project (suggested by B.Lothenbach)
provided here; using this project
with this and any older version of GEM-Selektor for comparisons, you will
be able to see the magnitude of bias corrected by the
bugfix. In old projects where the ionic strength is less than 0.5 m,
the bias is usually small and hardly visible on the Process or GtDemo
plots. The detailed description of the mismatch and how it has been
corrected is provided in the (updated) file
19 May 2008:
of GEMS-PSI version 2.2.3 rc6 is now available for download for
Win32 XP; Linux 32/64 rpm, and Intel Mac OS X 10.5 platforms. In
this version of GEM-Selektor, a few small annoying bugs were fixed, and
some documentation extensions made (in particular, for using Pronsprep
algorithms in ReacDC module). More example Process scripts (written
by Th.Wagner) for sequential reactors mode were added as well.
This version of GEMS-PSI, for the first time, is provided as a .deb
package for the Kubuntu 8 "Hardy Heron" 32-bit linux with KDE-3. We hope
that this development will further expand the GEM-Selektor user community
to Southern Hemisphere.
31 March 2008:
- INTERIM RELEASE of GEMS-PSI version 2.2.3 rc5 is now available
for download for Win32 XP; Linux 32/64 rpm, as well as for Intel Mac OS
X 10.4 and 10.5 platforms. In this version of GEM-Selektor, the
"Smart Initial Approximation" (SIA) mode has been further improved and
tested. There were also numerous changes in the GEMIPM2 kernel code
aimed at better reproducibility of results in automatic initial
aproximation. Three methods of temperature/pressure extrapolation for
aqueous complexes and non-polar dissolved species were built-in
(contributed by Dr. Th. Wagner, ETHZ), documentation pending.
13 February 2008:
- INTERIM RELEASE of GEMS-PSI version 2.2.2 rc4 is now available
for download for Win32; Linux 32/64 rpm platforms; installers for Apple
G4/G5 and Apple Intel PCs are coming soon. This is the first
released version of GEM-Selektor where a "Smart Initial Approximation"
(SIA) mode can be used e.g. in Process Simulators. Depending on the
system size, this accelerates calculations 5 times and more compared
with version 2.2.1, or 10 to 60 times compared with versions 2.2.0 rc0
or earlier. The optional SIA mode needs an interim period of extensive
07 January 2008:
- MAINTENANCE RELEASE of GEMS-PSI version 2.2.1 rc3 is now
available for download for Win32; Linux 32/64 rpm platforms, as well as
- (after 2 years break) for Apple G4/G5 PCs. We also provide for the
first time the installation bundle for Apple Intel PCs (for now, Mac OS
X 10.4 only). The variant for Mac OS X 10.5 may be expected in the near
07 November 2007:
- NEW RELEASE! GEMS-PSI version 2.2.0 rc2 code is now available on
our new web page ( for download for Win32 and
Linux rpm platforms. This version uses the performance-optimized GEM
IPM-2 numerical engine which runs 2 to 30 times faster than that in
previous versions. It also incorporates important bugfixes, some of
which result in improved quality and precision of calculated phase
assemblage and speciation. We highly recommend upgrading to the latest
GEMS version!
03 August 2007:
- COMING SOON! New release of GEM-Selektor code - version 2.2.0
release candidate - will be available for download for Win32 and Linux
rpm platforms. This version uses the performance-optimized GEM IPM-2
numerical engine which runs 2 to 30 times faster than that in previous
- From version 2.2.1 on, the GEM solver will also be available as a
standalone batch program GEMIPM2K
which can be coupled with an existing or a new fluid-mass-transport,
reaction path, or sensitivity analysis code, including those running on
high-performance computers and clusters.
- A major extension in version 2.2.0 is related to built-in
implementations of models of non-ideal mixing in multi-component solid,
liquid solutions and fluids (see List
of Changes). Numerous bugfixes (see List
of Corrections) result in unmatched stablilty of the program and
in a better convergence than it was possible before.
31 August 2006:
- New release of GEM-Selektor code - version 2.1.2 (release candidate 3)
- is now available for download (for Win32 and Linux 32/64 platforms).
This version contains an upgraded GEM IPM-2 numerical engine that uses
the JAMA C++ TNT numerical algebra package; due to this, GEMS runs
faster and stabler as previously, and converges better. For
bugfixes, see List of
Corrections; for extensions, see List
of Changes. The online Screenshot tutorial has been revised and
extended with sections on surface complexation modeling, including setup
of MUSIC-type GEM SCMs.
31 October 2005:
- COMING SOON! After 13 months of development, a major new release of
GEM-Selektor code - version 2.1.0 (release candidate 0) - will be
available for download within next days. This version contains many
bugfixes (several important ones, see List
of Corrections) and extensions (see List
of Changes) including new CD-MUSIC implementation of surface
complexation models with more precise surface activity coefficient terms
replacing the older SAT (surface activity terms).
07 September 2004:
- GEM-Selektor v. 2.0.1-rc7 (release candidate 7) now replaces the
release candidate 6.
- This bugfix release is available for for Win32, Linux and Mac OS X. It
fixes a problem with database file compression function (see List
of Corrections for details).
03 August 2004:
- GEM-Selektor v. 2.0.1-rc6 (release candidate 6) is now available for
downloading for Win32, Linux and Mac OS X !
- This is the first release available for all three major computing
platforms. It contains many improvements in the graphical user's
interface (see List of Changes for
30 June 2004:
- GEM-Selektor v. 2.0.0-rc5 (release candidate 5) is now available for
downloading! Contains bugfixes of low-to medium importance (see List
of Corrections and List of
Changes for details).
31 October 2003:
- GEM-Selektor v. 2.0.0-rc4 (release candidate 4) is now available for
downloading! It is the first release that comes as a real installer for
Win32 (creates shortcuts, registry entries, etc.) and can be deinstalled
in a standard way.
25 September 2003:
- GEM-Selektor v. 2.0.0-rc3 (release candidate 3) is now available for
downloading! See List of Changes
for details.
- Check the Screenshot online tutorial
- now strongly extended to aqueous partitioning equilibria involving
solid solutions and surface complexation.
18 August 2003:
- GEM-Selektor v. 2.0.0-rc2 (release candidate 2) is now available for
downloading! See List of Changes
for details.
02 April 2003:
GEM-Selektor v.
2.0.0-rc1 (release candidate 1) is now available for downloading! See List
of Changes for details.
31 March 2003:
"complementary" part of the Default
chemical thermodynamic database is now extended with ca. 570 organic
aqueous species imported from the Slop98.dat database (
14 March 2003:
The on-line Screenshot
Tutorial is now extended to show how to model irreversible mass
transfer using Process Simulators and how to plot various results of such
simulations using GtDemo data samplers.
13 March 2003:
package download page now explains what to do if you experience problems
with downloading GEM-Selektor installation files.
Last updated: 06.11.2024
Copyright (c) 2003-2023 GEMS Development