
GEM-Selektor v.3 (GEMS3):
Interactive Package for Thermodynamic Modelling of Aquatic (Geo)Chemical
Systems by Gibbs Energy Minimization
GEMS3 code package offers high chemical plausibility of (partial)
equilibrium thermodynamic models
Stable and metastable phases are checked using rigorous criteria
based on phase stability index
Aqueous equilbria may involve many (non)ideal solid or liquid
solutions, gas mixture or non-ideal gaseous fluids
Multi-site-surface complexation on mineral-water interfaces can be
computed, also without site balances
Redox state is calculated from the bulk chemical composition of the
system via the GEM dual solution
Processes of chemical mass transfer can be simulated using principles
of local and partial equilibrium
- Simple cases of reactive transport (water-rock interaction, 1-D
columns) can be simulated in GEM2MT module
Built-in default chemical thermodynamic database is provided;
third-party databases are also available
Thermodynamic data is automatically corrected for temperature and
pressure of interest
GEMS3K - the
standalone kernel of GEMS3 can be coupled to mass-transport or
parameter-fitting codes
Qt5- based Graphical User Interface with plotting of results and a
context-sensitive run-time help system
Installers available for all major PC platforms (Windows 10; Macos
10.11 to 10.15; Ubuntu linux 18.04 LTS)
The complexity of chemical system setup is limited mainly by the
availability of thermodynamic data for species and phases.
To learn
quickly how to work with the user-friendly GEMS3 code:
If you experience a problem, please report it in an e-mail to GEMS
Development Team. Frequently
asked questions.
GEMS3 software package is always under development. GEMS is distributed
"as is" by the Laboratory for Waste Management (LES) of the Paul Scherrer
Institute (PSI) with two purposes:
- to promote the GEM method and software into research community;
- to gather the users feedback - vital for making the software more
functional and reliable.
Permission to use the GEM-Selektor software is hereby granted free of
charge for educational and research purposes, subject to acceptance of Terms
Conditions of Use. Starting from version 3.6.0, GEM-Selektor GUI
part is available open-source under the GPL v.3 license.
In any publication of your results obtained using the GEM-Selektor code,
please, cite this web page address (https://gems.web.psi.ch) and the
following papers:
Kulik D.A., Wagner T., Dmytrieva S.V., Kosakowski G., Hingerl F.F.,
Chudnenko K.V., Berner U. (2013): GEM-Selektor geochemical modeling
package: revised algorithm and GEMS3K numerical kernel for coupled
simulation codes. Computational
Geosciences 17, 1-24. doi.
Wagner T., Kulik D.A., Hingerl F.F., Dmytrieva S.V. (2012):
GEM-Selektor geochemical modeling package: TSolMod library and data
interface for multicomponent phase models. Canadian
Mineralogist 50,
1173-1195. doi.
Please, keep in mind that the TSolMod library is an integral part of GEMS
codes that is used in solving for equilibrium in any system containing at
least one solution (multi-component) phase. Even the simplest aquatic
equilibrium calculation makes use of Davies or Debye-H�ckel models that
are implemented consistently in TSolMod library. If sophisticated models for
non-ideal fluids or solid solutions are used, then citing the paper about
TSolMod will streamline and shorten your manuscript letting you concentrate
on relevant problem setting and results.
Copyright (c) 2003-2023 GEMS Development Team
Last update: 10.05.2023